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Everything posted by ElysionField

  1. I am not a native English speaker. Please forgive if I make any mistake. Although Dayz is considered as a zombie survival game, I think Dayz is designed for pvp. Look at all the weapons in Dayz. Once you get a hatchet and a handgun, you are in a very good shape against zombies. The rest of the weapons, like sniper rifles with night vision attachment, machine guns etc, are DESIGNED to kill players. You don't need a high power sniper to kill zombies. When zombies is not a threat anymore, basically there is nothing else to do beside killing other players. In my ideal Dayz world, zombie is the main point. They should be very hard to kill and post a serious threat to players. Even a military grade weapon should just give you a little bit more advantage against zombies. Also, every survivor should be different. Everyone in Dayz now is highly trained: They are all expert in shooting, running, cooking, wound care and flying helicopters. My suggestion is each survivor may have some type of advantage. If your wound is taken care by a surgeon instead of your friend, you have way less chance of getting infected. Also, a surgeon should be the only one can fix a serious trauma. Go even further, Certain survivors can have a special ability that no other survivors can have. For example, a cheer leader can increase teammates' stamina (a cheer leader can be stuck in a zombie apocalypse.) A wrestler can scare zombies away by tearing his shirt in front of the zombies....etc I am not saying my idea is the best. I don't even say my ideas are good ideas. But sometime even bad ideas can inspire someone else coming up with a really good idea. (eg. House) So, any ideas to stop Dayz turning into a pure PVP shooting game? Or first of all, do you even care if Dayz turns into a PVP shooting game?
  2. ElysionField

    things to attract zombies?

    A bleeding player! Even he/she is hiding
  3. ElysionField

    The goal in Dayz should be survive, not pvp

    That is my point! When you really really need a gun in order to survive, you won't waste bullets on a player that would give you nothing. I think that is more realistic then using cheats like "giving new spawn players couple second of bullet proof time"
  4. ElysionField

    The goal in Dayz should be survive, not pvp

    First of all, resources is not scarce in Dayz. Also, there is no actual threat in the game besides players. Please read post #34.
  5. ElysionField

    The goal in Dayz should be survive, not pvp

    In order to become a sandbox game, tools, props,and a stage must be set up appropriately. Battlefield 3 without an objective message and a scoreboard doesn't mean it would turn into a sandbox game.
  6. ElysionField

    The goal in Dayz should be survive, not pvp

    Well, that is exactly what a deathmatch experience. When I hear a gunshot I wonder where it came from. Is that from a TS weapon or a CT weapon? How many people are there? I look at the top right corner, and I don't see any of my teammate/enemy got kill. Does that mean the fight is still going on? Yes, players are hard to kill. You can always get a COD or CS so you can kill them all day long, if you really like this type player interactions. There are tons and tons of FPS. I bought Dayz because I heard it is a survival sandbox. Now I am so surprised that people actually want Dayz turns into a deathmatch type of game.
  7. ElysionField

    The goal in Dayz should be survive, not pvp

    I see a topic changed here. We are talking about "PVP should not be the main focus in the game", while someone change the topic to "PVP should not be allowed in the game" and they argue about it. Well, no one here is talking about stopping PVP. I don't mind PVP, I don't even mind KOS (I have been playing Counter Strike since it was in beta. I know how to avoid getting sniped) and I oppose putting any boundary at all. I just don't want PVP be the main goal of the game, just like a typical FPS deathmatch. Some people say, 'Dayz is a sandbox game. People can do whatever they want' I buy Dayz because people say it is a sandbox game. The reason I complain is Dayz is NOT a sandbox game, since most of the elements in the game encourage players not in surviving, but to kill each other. Imagine EA release a new game called Battlefield 3: the hiking stimulator. The goal of the game is to walk around, take pictures and interact with other hikers. At the same time, they still provide tons and tons of guns, armors, jets etc. I mean there are still hiking elements, as you can walk around on the hill. But with those weapon, I doubt it would turn into a nice hiking game, even the title says it is a hiking game. The title doesn't give you anything, the content does. Now back to Dayz. Someone said " the goal of the game is to survive as long as you can". Well, this is exactly the same goal in COD, Battlefield, TF2 also. How long do you take to get supplies in order to stay alive? Couple beans, drinks, bandage, morphine/bloodbag... You can get all you need basically within half an hour to an hour, and your survival goal is reached. How many people are actually die from thirst or hunger? Now with all the bad ass weapons (one time I found total 15 clips of AK rounds in different locations within 2 hours. That basically tells me to start a war), while the zombie threat can be ignored, people are going to play deathmatch, just like the Battlefield 3: the hiking stimulator. That is why I suggest Dayz should focus more in survival. When survival is a real challenge, by putting diseases, wildlife, threatening zombies just like in real life, it would be way more interesting. Of course there will be lots of PVP going on. I can imagine a survivor wonder should he risk his life and precious bullets on another player that might have a vaccine he needs. I can also imagine a survivor doesn't want to waste his bullet on a new spawn player so he can have a better chances to win against zombies, wildlife in the woods or another hostile player etc. In real life, surviving is very hard, which I don't see it at all in Dayz. What I learn from biology is: in the jungle, death is normal. Alive is abnormal.
  8. ElysionField

    The goal in Dayz should be survive, not pvp

    To Brachra: I am NOT suggesting to turn PVP off. My point is, weapons in Dayz now is "designed" for mindless killing. Getting a better weapon won't give you a significant advantage in killing zombies, since they are way too weak, but in killing players. The cheer leader and the wrestler are just kidding. My point is it would be nice if there are some co-op elements in the game. I agree. I just don't want gearing up and shooting at each other become the main purpose of the game. Wonderful. Sounds great!
  9. ElysionField

    Starting with friends.

    Rick spent weeks trying to find Sophia and didn't complain at all. (Is Walking Dead on television in Australia?)
  10. First of all, I am not a native English speaker. Please forgive me when I make mistakes. I am so disappointed because dayz now is just a normal individual/team deathmatch with a bigger map + zombie decorations. Also, I have read all the dayz suggestions, and none of the suggestion talks about this issue. ( May be I missed it) Zombies have never been a threat to players. Players, including me, can run through a village full of zombies and come out safely like nothing there. Got bitten by a zombie couple times? a bandage + a piece of cook meat, then you back to normal like nothing happened. Once you have a friend with couple bandages and blood bags, zombie threats can be ignored entirely. When zombies can be ignored entirely, players start shooting each other and turn this game into COD or Battlefield. I think of one way to solve it is to greatly increase the damage of zombies. Like in most zombie movies, got bit by a zombie is a pretty big deal. For example, if you got bit by zombie once, you are infacted and die in couple hours; if you got surrounded by couple zombies, you are dead. In game, it would be something like this: -1 bite 4000-6000 damaged. Automatically get a cold. Blood bag has no effect anymore unless a vaccine is applied. (like in the game, vaccine is extremely scared) -blood lost 5 point/sec. Which means if no vaccine, you would be dead around 20 mins once you got bit by a zombie once. -once bandaged, blood lost would be 2 point/sec. Which means if no vaccine, you would be dead about an hour once you got bit by a zombie once. -if you got bit by zombie twice within couple sec, you die instantly. -a recently dead player would turned into a major zombie attraction. It may last, for example 30 sec. (now we may see some heroic suicide/ shoot your teammate on the leg to save yourself) The point is: like in the movie, once you got bitten, you are basically dead. But this is a zombie survival game! Zombies supposed to be the greatest threat of players!
  11. ElysionField

    40 min into my first ever game of dayz

    If you are from America, run toward the direction that is perpendicular to the ocean. Don't go left or right unless you want to get shot. If you are from Australian or New Zealand, congratulations. follow the railroad until you reach a big city then ask anyone for help.
  12. ElysionField

    40 min into my first ever game of dayz

    I am not being defensive at all.
  13. ElysionField

    40 min into my first ever game of dayz

    And your suggestion for Dayz is?
  14. ElysionField

    Suggestion: Zombie damage should greatly increase

    Grabbing probably a better idea. Did anyone mention that before?
  15. ElysionField

    Suggestion: Zombie damage should greatly increase

    well, it is not about difficulty. My point is Dayz now is not a zombie survival game but a pure death match. I just want to do something to turn the players' focus back on how to survive in a zombie apocalypse, which is the selling point of Dayz. Most of my death in Dayz are being shot; None of my death in Dayz is because of zombies. I think that is ridiculous in a zombie survival game.
  16. ElysionField

    Suggestion: Zombie damage should greatly increase

    Sorry I read the summarized one and I didn't find it. what are the suggestions? Can you post me some links? Thanks