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Everything posted by zach1212

  1. my CD Key got hacked, i was playing blackops 2 for a couple of weeks and i tried to play again and it says cd key in use. i've looked on my steam profile and its still their and i will send my cd key to a admin incase if they want to check it out i just would like another CD Key please.. i play on us 023 namalsk and i've played their praticly all of dayz. and, i just want to play again, that server has a decent ammount of hackers and i think they got my acc..
  2. zach1212

    cd key got hacked

    i wasant banned.. my cd key was hacked..
  3. zach1212

    cd key got hacked

    well i know that, but i just want to play and i don't know who hacked it, its been a week since i've played.
  4. I Got banned for Anti hack #43, when i didint have any scripts or anything open, nor will i ever have any? is fraps or cheat engine bannable for that? cause i had cheat engine for BTD5
  5. i don't hack, i've never hacked, and i hope you get muted for being such a dumb shit.
  6. can a admin unban me?, i got banned for anti hack #43 i think, it was cheat engine, (wasant meant for dayz for bloons tower defense)
  7. can a admin unban me?, i got banned for anti hack #43 i think, it was cheat engine, (wasant meant for dayz for bloons tower defense)
  8. is their anyone on this forum that is admin on this server
  9. It isint a private hive, its just a US023 600 Vehicle, ordianry except the loots and vehicles
  10. It isint a private hive, its just a US023 600 Vehicle, ordianry except the loots and vehicles