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Everything posted by Fafnerd

  1. Fafnerd

    Cannot connect to servers.

    The new update removed everything from the arma map, can only start arma II now, do they even TEST the new updates before releasing?
  2. Hello everyone! First of my connection isn't that great and all But I cna usually play on good servers with around 40-70ms. Today when I started playing I first noticed after I disconnected from a server and reconnected that my character was standing somewhere else than from where I logged out...the place where i FIRST logged in... So my connection dropped quite alot today, maybe with 10-15min inbetween the drops. Usually I got a kick from the server due to pings reaching over thousand. Each time i relogged my character starts off from the original start-off point from where I first logged in on the server. Every item I looted during this 10-15 min period got deleted. During this period I could talk to people, loot, exchange stuff with other players as usual but whenever I got the pingdrop+server kick it was = position reset + item reset... I've been trying to play with a friend now for about 2 hours with these "periods" coming and going, some lasting longer than others but always with the same outcome... Never experienced this before to-day. Appriciate if someone have any suggestions. PS. My connection have always been this shitty and I've played for a long time now.
  3. Hello, Just got killed by a guy named 1854 who clearly was invisible. Checked my suroundings constantly with thermal, suddenly from no where I could see a guy in my thermal 6m away clicked away the thermal and couldn't see anyone, still the tag though. went behind a tree in a instant and poked my head out to spot the guy, nothing, then BAM right infront of me a DMR shot to the head. The guys name was "That glasses dude" and it was on DE 1854 hosted by sepl around 21:30 GMT+1. Get that guy banned.
  4. Same server, everyone was killed 20 minutes later.
  5. Fafnerd

    Profile Reset! Rage!!

    For those who didn't have any hacked weapons and equipment as you described, is there any chance of getting the old gear back? Longshot ;)
  6. Fafnerd

    Profile Reset! Rage!!

    Same thing happened to me :/ had everything! And I found all my gear on lootpiles, except NV which I found on a dead person...? Rage
  7. Hello, I just got banned from: GER Lingor / Private hive / 55 vihicles / Active admins/ GMT-4 or -9/ Hosted by L2 IP: I was told I speedhacked and spawned items when I was clearly not... I was shot by the admin, spawned and saw a guy (I had only an axe) attacked him but he escaped and we ran for maybe 10 minutes, chasing him. Suddenly he starded lagging or some shit becouse he blinked back and forth, I just chopped the running character and he died? Was kicked directly after due to high ping, relogged and noticed the corpse, looted. I got an ak-cobra, some amo and a cayote bag with an DMR withour amo, and NV. Ran back to where my original body lay but got banned on my way there. Had contact with the admin all the way, I told him to check the log and he said he did and banned/kicked me. I ask you this... WHY would I ask to loot my old body (I asked the admin if I could get my body). Why would someone spawn an DMR without amo? Can't you see in your log I had an axe and then looted everything off a corpse? I liked the server but hey, if they don't want me there that is fine...But I DO NOT want this to evolve to some community bad thing or Global ban... I did not cheat, you log checking must be abit off... Best regards, Fafnerd.
  8. Fafnerd

    Banned on false accusations

    The clan was Warbirds something. The admins name was Dave[warbirds] or something like that