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About HarrisonVoltaire

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. HarrisonVoltaire

    Looking for a true zombie survival experience?

    I'm thinking about joining the server but I have a question: can I still launch DayZ through DayZCommander with your mod installed? Does using your mod on top of DayZ change anything else like that? Also, is there voice or text side chat enabled? I'd rather it not be, because it kinda kills the immersion. Thanks! I really like that the OP weapons are removed.
  2. I will check y'all out! I'm still looking for servers so I can compare though so everyone feel free to keep posting 'em. :)
  3. Greetings! As the title says, my friends and I are looking for a server that comes close to what we want out of a private server and if we find it we would love to become a part of the community. Please post your server if it meets all, most or many of these! Ideally we're looking for something like this: Anti hacking/exploiting/duping 3rd person no side chat overpowered weapons disabled (AS50, thermal scopes, stuff like that) increased number of vehicles (but not a crazy amount) active admins anti Alt-f4 measures being taken whitelist and/or password to keep out hackers Thanks for your time!