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Everything posted by applejaxc
I just said freecam=cheatcam. :) And wow, I've gotten beans for 1/2 of my posts...
Holy freaking crap. A CCTV!! When you set up le epic base, you could wire a CCTV network together to watch your base. You set up an electric generator to power everything. I also want to see a dynamic power grid. If you want to kill a player, invite him into a town at night, then cut all the power and hunt him down with NVGs. If you want to attract new players, flash an SoS by turning the power off and on. If you want the zombies to go to a certain district of your city to keep you safe, you turn off power in half the town. :)
THUS I said skip to 10:00 and 35:00 to see the fails. The episode wasn't recorded with the intention of being a fail showcase.
Nonfiction Accounts of the Occult
applejaxc replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
All my good stuff happened before I started youtube :( -
EXACTLY! I'd love some kind of freecam that didn't break your neck. It is SO hard to take a picture of yourself! I play solo 99% of the time and just can't get good screenshots of myself. Ugh... I think freecam would be cheaty though. The way your head spins around is good for MP, knowing if you've been seen or not.
Comparison of DayZ Weapons For New Players
applejaxc replied to applejaxc's topic in New Player Discussion
The colt python fires .44, not 45ACP. Very different calibers. The DayZ revolver looks like a .357, shoots the .45, and everyone calls it a .44... XD -
Set the overall setting in basic to "Very low," then set view distance to 1000m (unless you don't snipe) and video memory to normal/high. Spin around a few times; you'll get sudden, extreme lag, then all your lag will disappear unless you wind up teleporting/doing crazy Ivans every 2 minutes.
The new lootable clothes system is going to make Bandit/Hero identification a lot harder. I want to know how long it'll take for the game to develop some kind of "Code," like black jacket=hero red jacket=bandit. Ever read The Postman? It's a post-apocalypse book. There's these "Ultra Survivalists," called Holnists, that follow the superior-race, Roman-style teachings of Nathan Holn. They like to wear surplus camo, and all the Holnists are evil. Thus, if you are wearing camo, people will KoS. Will that dynamic be in DayZ? I already feel that way about ghillie suits; ghillie=jerkface.
I can see that, and appreciate the sentiment; turning it into a competition destroys the realism survival.
Comparison of DayZ Weapons For New Players
applejaxc replied to applejaxc's topic in New Player Discussion
The M9 SD is my favorite because the only targets I use a pistol against are zombies. I like the 1-hit headshots deaths that don't attract any zombies. -
Comparison of DayZ Weapons For New Players
applejaxc replied to applejaxc's topic in New Player Discussion
I have a really biased aversion to weapons based on my real-life experience. I've never been a Glock fan (except when I was young and played MW2 and thought the full-auto G18 was the coolest thing in the world). I've handled a lot of firearms, and just haven't had a good time with Glock weapons. *shrug* It's not TERRIBLE, and you're right; only headshot zombies and save your rifles for players, which is what the guide was supposed to show. I hate flashlights. The only thing they've ever done for me is get me sniped, unless I was blinding a bandit while a friend took him out. I personally (if I don't have NVGs) throw a flare near an intended loot location to distract all the zombies and run in through a backdoor, like throwing a flare into a building across the street from the minimart in Chernogorsk. -
Nonfiction Accounts of the Occult
applejaxc replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I once bailed out of a chopper and it landed on a bus that had 14 bandits and 2 hostages. I was trying to save the hostages :( -
Nonfiction Accounts of the Occult
applejaxc replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I misread that as, "I never saw that crazy fucker again" twice. XD I was playing two nights ago (I was even recording!) and some "Haxor" was messing with the server. I ignored it, mostly because he was spawning in AI teammates for everyone (I killed my own). I think I found the hacker in a town near Elektro and I charged him, for having a bandit skin. I opened fire and my game crashed to the desktop. Lucky bastard probably had Godmode on anyway. -
Nonfiction Accounts of the Occult
applejaxc replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I don't KoS unless they're a bandit, or in a ghillie suit/holding an AMR. (Who the hell needs a .50BMG to kill a zombie?) But this reminds me of a sad tale... I had just repaired a motorbike I found near my base, in the north-east of Namalsk. I decided to drive to the labor camp/prison/military base, thinking I'd find some cool gear... instead, I found out that Namalsk will spawn groups of 20 zombies all at once to attack without warning, which lags you out and kills you. It's terrible. So I sped through the center and spotted this group, and reasonably panicked; the bike was a simple collision away from exploding and zombies tend to make me wreck. On the (north?) side, the road kind of drops or slopes, but I didn't realize that I was going fast enough to get air time-I literally broke orbit and flew straight as the road dropped away. This survivor was running for the base and was screaming, "FRIENDLY FRIENDLY DON'T SHOOT I'M FRIENDLY!" And I landed on him. He is now dead. I died, too; the bike exploded. ... Yeah. :) -
I would also like feedback. I get around 30 views per DayZ video I produce, but I rarely get any comments, and that really bothers me. Youtube analytics (as inn accurate as they are) say I've got a 70%+ audiance retention rate, which means my videos are watched to the end most of the time, but no feedback/suggestions/anything! I have about 17 DayZ Hero Diary videos (Yes, Heroes still exist): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7XH4CVGhhYRMHvGZnOkSQu5u9g_Kfgm9 There's also "Extreme Bandit Hunting" which is DayZ but full weapons/vehicles/skins (except tanks and support weapons) and no HUD: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7XH4CVGhhYR9-2x35Op9gZTHxErGq8pZ
Nonfiction Accounts of the Occult
applejaxc replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Wow. God likes my DayZ stories? I can feel my ego inflating. -
Anyone else miss when you were a noob?
applejaxc replied to Death_Dealer's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
This is true about every video game that has an easy learning curve (BF when it is first released, CoD games, Skyrim, Oblivion). When you are new to the game, the game is new to you; you expect nothing unless you use youtube spoilers, which is your own darn fault. DayZ is the one game I would not barter my virginity back for, however. And this might just because I never considered myself a DayZ noob. I watched so many youtube videos of it, that I knew what/where everything was. All the locations, stats, spawning areas... Worse yet, I have over 100 hours docked for ArmA 2 OA alone. That doesn't count A2, Demo, A2FREE, or A2 OA Beta, which are all above 50 hours each. I know ArmA 2 like I know the backs of my hands: Intimately. Nothing surprised me about DayZ. I ruined the game for myself. But if I had joined (like so many idiots) without practicing in A2 OA MP and the campaign, plus editor to test all the weapons, I never would have enjoyed DayZ; I'd have ragequit too early without knowing what OA would offer me as a zombie game. So no, I don't want to be "New" to DayZ again. This is one of the few games I'll say no to. -
Urgent issue: Server-Hopping on SA. Let´s say NO! And make it a thing of the past.
applejaxc replied to t-monk's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Private servers should be able to enable/disable PvP, individual weapons/vehicles, certain equipment types, and in general have better control over their own server-it's private for a reason! Imagine if you could take all of Chernarus, disable vehicles, block in Cherno/Elektro/ the 2 nearby towns, and put 10 people on the map with no gear. It'd be a fight to the finish, avoiding zombies and players while you scavenge loot. That would be a nice break/shooting practice from normal DayZ. I also want to see singleplayer DayZ, but with some sort of obvious marker to show that it isn't online so you can't lie and say, "Oh, I killed 57 players!" on youtube like a dirty liar. I also want to see controls over the amount of player interaction, namely, disabling/enabling radios/radio frequencies so two teammates can communicate cross-map, but ONLY if they had the walkie-talkies necessary. Servers could control the distance of the walkie-talkies, too, and make ones built into helicopters more powerful or around transceivers improve the signal strength (imagine trying to talk to your friend when he can't respond). You could disable AMRs or enable rocket-launchers. You could give zombies x4 health and x10 running speed, or x.5 health and x.5 running speed (to make them more movie like). You could enable a giant-ass horde to spawn on the edge of the map and slowly walk to the other side. :) -
Idea for a new Super Mega Ultra Hardcore Mode
applejaxc replied to Tigerbeetweenie's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
*your -
Why Being a Bandit is Good and Bad-are Heroes any better?
applejaxc replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
You want to see some badass DayZ gameplay? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVjfb4eziFg I killed about 12 people in 16 minutes. Stupid bandits >.> -
Why Being a Bandit is Good and Bad-are Heroes any better?
applejaxc replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Number of Times Achieved Hero: 12 (5 times public servers!) Number of Bandit Kills: 74 (34 in Cherno, 24 in Elektro) Current Gear: Primaries: Fn FAL AS50 I have a full toolkit (knife, axe, et al) Ammo: 120 50 I have a pick up truck and camp site Suppressed? No No I record for youtube as Apple Jaxc (FishTacoSupreme) Awesome? Yes Yes I hunt/kill Bandits for fun I die just like the rest of you, but it's rare! Secondaries: M9 SD Road Flare Ammo: 45 10 Suppressed? Yes Kind of? Awesome? No Yes! Equipment: NVGx1/Sodax2/Cooked Meatx3/ Medical: Bloodbagsx2/Bandagesx3 Backpack: Coyote Patrol Pack (26 slots!) Sniper rifle, food, trap kits, satchel charges, ammo How do I reduce that to 3 lines of text for a signature? :( -
Why Being a Bandit is Good and Bad-are Heroes any better?
applejaxc replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I'm 15. I started playing DayZ not long ago. I'm good at Call of Duty (though I prefer ArmA and Battlefield for FPS and RPGs in general). I'm not ashamed. I even rage during BLOPS2 (PATCH THE FREAKING SMGS YOU STUPID DEV A*SFACES). When I say that 13 year olds are colloquially pricks, I am myself being a prick. :) -
Why Being a Bandit is Good and Bad-are Heroes any better?
applejaxc replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I don't want bandits to leave the game. And this is how I operate as a Hero: I see Steve coming out of the market in Cherno. I scan him for a gun, and if I'm close enough, a sidearm. I watch him walk through town. If I see a bandit, I kill the bandit or him and run into a building/hide so he doesn't see me. If he runs instead of going for the bandit's gear, I give him supplies if I catch up to him. If he starts shooting crazy or murders a player in cold blood while I am stalking, he gets a broken leg for his troubles. If he's a belligerent buttwipe and wantonly murders 2+ people or causes disarray, points a gun at me, or fails to respond to communications, he dies. If he doesn't manage to piss me off, I come behind Steve and say something like, "Hey buddy, I'm right behind you don't turn around. Yes, you in the *describe their situation/gear so they know who I'm talking to*, hold alt and look at me. I'm on your right side (I don't like the left *shrug*). If you point your gun at me, I'm going to kill you, okay? I shot *bandit* for you. When we get past these zombies, I'm going to -blood transfusion gear, ride to the next city, or something like that if I can-." I rarely give real firearms to people. I don't mind giving out G17s or Makarovs, because they both suck like baby mammals. I don't mind lending binoculars/other gear if I can lend it. Some soda or a bit of cooked meat, maybe. But I don't fully kit someone. They usually get 1 service, then I'm off to help the next person. There are TWO instances where this failed to happen. 1: I met this woman in Cherno named Delirarus (or something dinosaur-like). She sounded like she was at least 50, and recently quit smoking. She told me she was looking for her son in Keltrovdsk (there's a city north-west of Elektro with a name like that, I think). She had a revolver and a remington. I met cowboy grandma. It made my day. Delirarus and I killed 2 bandits that were hiding in one of the 2-story buildings in Cherno and split the gear 50-50. I had a truck hidden in the bushes out of town. We ran for the truck and I drove her north of Elektro, and told her she was free to take anything she wanted from my truck. We met her son (I don't remember his name), and he was similarly pretty cool. We discussed the Zombie Survival Guide (Max Brooks, great book!) for a while when someone in side chat was screaming, "OH MY GOD WTF YOU HAXXR OH MY GOD." We decided to investigate the north-west airfield... So I drive the UAZ onto the strip to draw fire. I drew plenty of AS50 rounds to the back tires, and finally one through the windshield that knocked me unconscious (how the hell I lived I'll never know). This beautiful man bailed out, pulled me out of the car, bandaged me, packed me into the back seat, and jumped back in. His mother jumped into the driver's seat and drove us out of there. Turns out she had taken a round as well, but I got the last bandage. Her last words were, "Take care of my son" before she fell out of the car and died. This is just a video game, but it made me cry. I gave the son all my stuff, and now he and Cowboy Grandma own it. :) The other time was I felt really bad for this guy who had a broken leg and nothing but a fire axe. Nothing special. -
Why Being a Bandit is Good and Bad-are Heroes any better?
applejaxc replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
By "Bandit," I mean the 13 year old pricks that think they're uberh4x0rpro01337qikscoprs. Those disgusting little bastard children that grew up with MW2 and on (when CoD took a dive) or Gears of War, or were babysat by somesuchother needlessly violent and relatively plot less video game. You don't NEED a AMR to fight a zombie for any reason. If you're shooting at humanoid targets that are unarmored, why the hell do you need a .50BMG or 12.7MM Russian anti-armor round? You just don't. I shoot people with bandit skins, or ghillie+AMR on sight on principle of safety. I know that you can get a bandit skin for self-defense and not all snipers are jerks, but I don't take risks in DayZ. Too many bad experiences. Not all bandits are what I have described. I've met pretty nice guys, the "Gentlemen Robbers." I used to ride Crew Chief in an abduction chopper on the 13370n10n sever (Yes, leet onion). We gave everyone a series of questions, and the top-3 winners all got a gun and some food, +a car, ghillie suit/NVGs, or LMG depending on how well the finished. Other times we'd trap 10 people in barb wire and throw in battle axes and make them fight for our amusement. -
Why Being a Bandit is Good and Bad-are Heroes any better?
applejaxc replied to applejaxc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
By "Bandit," I mean the 13 year old pricks that think they're uberh4x0rpro01337qikscoprs. Those disgusting little bastard children that grew up with MW2 and on (when CoD took a dive) or Gears of War, or were babysat by somesuchother needlessly violent and relatively plot less video game. You don't NEED a AMR to fight a zombie for any reason. If you're shooting at humanoid targets that are unarmored, why the hell do you need a .50BMG or 12.7MM Russian anti-armor round? You just don't. I shoot people with bandit skins, or ghillie+AMR on sight on principle of safety. I know that you can get a bandit skin for self-defense and not all snipers are jerks, but I don't take risks in DayZ. Too many bad experiences. Not all bandits are what I have described. I've met pretty nice guys, the "Gentlemen Robbers." I used to ride Crew Chief in an abduction chopper on the 13370n10n sever (Yes, leet onion). We gave everyone a series of questions, and the top-3 winners all got a gun and some food, +a car, ghillie suit/NVGs, or LMG depending on how well the finished. Other times we'd trap 10 people in barb wire and throw in battle axes and make them fight for our amusement.