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Everything posted by applejaxc

  1. applejaxc

    Proper Kill Counter

    What if you rigged a camera to fire bullets (that don't do damage/hit anything), or what if the shutter going off attracted zombies away from you?
  2. applejaxc

    Change Weapon Damage for StandAlone

    I really appreciate the picture, man; I haven't found a good way to explain it before. And I guess I'm wrong... I thought the reversing piston was placed slightly forward/down. Now that I think about it, MY version of the AK107 is really dumb. :)
  3. I only "KoS" people with the bandit head wrap, or if they have a ghillie suit and a sniper rifle. I wish zombies weren't a continuing spawning thing, and I'm really glad that DayZ standalone is going to spawn each zombie at server start so there's a finite version per restart; a team of snipers clearing out the edge of Elektro followed by some M4SDs or something to mop up the zombies inside buildings would be amazing.
  4. applejaxc

    Flare Gun

    Sorry that I missed what you said. :)
  5. applejaxc

    Change Weapon Damage for StandAlone

    Hollow points are illegal for civilians in the US I believe because they turn "Normal" bullets into more lethal rounds. What I REALLY want to see is "CherryPis" (Cherry Pies); they're basically a tiny explosive ignited on impact designed for the OICW. They got scrapped when the OICW was, though I think the penetration + explosion would be perfect against zombie heads.
  6. applejaxc

    Change Weapon Damage for StandAlone

    The AK107 has an operation system that shoots one piston forward to fire while shooting another piston towards the shooter to focus recoil to just in front of the handle, rigiht?
  7. applejaxc

    Flare Gun

    You do know the M203 can shoot white and green flare, right? I just wish the flare would continue burning after it hits the ground. I often "Peg" Bandits with thrown flares to piss them off/get them eaten on night servers. I would like the improved accuracy/range of the M203 to shoot a proper flare to more easily peg Bandits.
  8. applejaxc

    Change Weapon Damage for StandAlone

    I do have a lot of firearms experience, if I may say so myself... Shotgun pellets should kill if >40% hits the target (so a target up to 15 feet?); buckshot literally turns you to hamburger. Shotgun slugs should kill in 1-3 hits, break the legs in 1 hit. 12 gauge slugs, for comparison, are like firing 7.62 ammunition, albeit 7.62 that is inaccurate and a giant bore. The issue with slugs is a lot like the issue with AP ammunition vs soft targets: Any bullet that travels through a target, contrary to popular belief, is wasted energy; a bullet does much more damage if it remains in its target. A shotgun slug leaves a nasty hole and breaks bones, but it has very straight-forward momentum; the damage is limited to the impact area. 5.56 and 7.62 ammunition is very different. The 5.56 "NATO" is used by NATO because it is accurate, light, and cheap. It will kill a man with 2-3 shots to the chest without hitting the heart. A 5.56 would put down a medium-large stag (man deer) in 5 bullets or less. The 7.62 is a heavier, louder bullet that can achieve a greater range, but the recoil is much stronger-thus Russia has stopped using the AK line and started using "New age" rifles like the AN94. A 7.62 could take down a stag in 2-3 bullets. I'd personally trust a 7.62 to fight a mother bear protecting her cubs, if I had a rifle that mitigated recoil well. The FN FAL and FN FAC (by Fabrique National) are almost as widespread as the AK47. Contrary to popular belief, again, the AK47 is actually a giant piece of crap. The Fal is cheap and weighs a little less than 10 pounds. The 7.62 cartridges would stop a man with a "Double tap" to the chest. In fact, the Fal/7.62 is so good, that American companies produced several 7.62 caliber weapons before the 5.56NATO was adopted. Britain took the Fal and turned it into the Fal OSW, a "More modern," lighter, and more accurate version of the Fal that could be converted for automatic fire. The Fal OSW is good enough that I'd use it against a charging hog... and if you don't know how many bullets it takes to kill a hog, you should move to the American south; the crazy bastards can take a full cylinder of .44 magnum to the head and keep breathing. Bullets in the stomach are wasted bullets; the stomach isn't shot when you want to kill someone. You shoot someone in the stomach so they'll go home and say, "Mom, Dad, I can't eat solid foods for 3 months," so Mom and Dad go to the recruiting office and protest to end the war so the other country can win and Susie doesn't also get shot in the stomach. All of the assault rifles in DayZ shoot 5.56 or 7.62, right? So every weapon in DayZ should kill 2-5 shots to the chest, 1-2 in the head/neck, 3-7 in the stomach, and break the legs in 2-5. Now to talk about pistols... THE 9mm PARRABELLUM IS NOT THE GREATEST THING SINCE TOAST! I wouldn't trust a 9mm gun with my life. A 9mm does not have the stopping power to kill someone. You all remember the "Zombie" in Miami that ate a homeless guy's face? He took 4 9mm rounds and didn't flinch. "Bathsalts" don't have any kind of painkiller in them (Unless you use the PCP vers... I told my parole officer I wouldn't think about faces or drugs anymore... *sigh*). I don't like 9mm weapons. I wouldn't want to be shot by one, but I'd be less scared of one than a .45. Thus, the G17 and the M9 are reasonably weak. That doesn't bother me. The Makarov on the other hand... I believe it fires 5.45xSomething but I don't know that for a fact, so don't quote me on it. The 5.45 has more recoil than "Mainstream" ammunition, but it's good enough for the Russians to use it. Let me clarify something: Russians, before "Russia" became "Russia" instead of "The USSR" did not have a battle doctrine that cared about accuracy; damage was their main concern because most of the city engagements they expected (just think about the battles in WW2 vs Germany) happened in cities, so guns didn't need to be accurate past 30 feet. The Makarov, then, I think has its own problems and should go cry in a corner for giving me false hope in the face of zombie hordes. Now about silenced weapons... 3 parts of a gun make noise: The bullet, the action, and the gas. The bullet had a "Bang" when it ignites. The crack of a weapon is the sound of a bullet going supersonic. In order to defeat that bang, the gun must fire "Cold loaded" ammunition. Cold loads have only half the normal amount of gunpowder, which halves their range and stopping power, just about. The action (the hammer hitting the bullet, the bolt being slid back/forward) is rarely silenced; eliminating "Mechanical noise" is nearly impossible. The gasses created in the ignition of a bullet make a lot of noise when they leave a gun. Suppressors help the expanding gasses slow down before exiting the barrel and "Threaded" barrels (barrels with holes in them) help bleed out the gas before the giant mass escapes. So what happens to a suppressed bullet? There is less gas driving it because there is a smaller explosion. The smaller explosion is nerfed again because the gasses push it much more slowly. Suppressed weapons at medium-long ranges aren't very good. I think the new nerfed M4A1 SD is pretty realistic.
  9. We meet again... I know a few PvP servers that have custom weapons. There's one (look up SuperTaco PvP) that has every single possible combination. I have a M14SD + M203 launcher + iron sights + flashlight + holds M249 LMG magazines, Fal magazines, or normal DMR magazines. It took me about 43 scrap metals and a tire to make it.
  10. Before I tell you my opinion, let me say that I play with my "From Hip" reticle disabled because I like the disadvantage it gives me against other players, and it forces me to be a better marksmen (with iron sights). Regardless of your choice, you should play some missions in ArmA 2/OA and make some of your own with as many different weapon types as you can to get a feel for the game. I personally came make 300 meter shots with the M14 Aimpoint and pathetically miss a target that's standing still at 100 meters with my sniper's rifle. My first tip for choosing weapons is avoid major cities, fields, forests, towns, cars, outskirts, the coast... basically, don't spend any time on the map if you can help it; you're apt to get shot no matter where you are. I've learned that no matter what weapon you choose, you'll be forced to use it at a really crappy time-like I'll bring a AI rifle into a city and fight a shotgun or I'll take a winchester into the forest and fight a LMG. It's really an issue to adapt. The shortest and best answer is get yourself a coyote assault pack and carry a sniper rifle in your back pack at all times. That's what I normally a do, though good backpacks can be frustratingly rare. If this isn't an option: The sniper rifle is a good choice to me, unless it's the SVD (the SVD is inconsistently accurate and is a piece of crap). I can "No scope" (as those annoying CoD kids say) in DayZ just fine. I like having the scope for varying ranges and for rooftop/counter-Bandit sniping. If you are going to pick a sniper rifle, choose anything that isn't a M24, the SVD, or the American camoed sniper (the name escapes me right now). These sniper rifles aren't bad, but they all carry small amounts of ammo per magazine and the SVD is...ugh...I would personally suggest the DMR if you have NVGs (30 rounds/magazine, can be used with NVGs!) or AS50 (10 rounds/M107 magazine, lower recoil than the M107, semi-automatic). The AS50 won't see you through a close-quarters gunfight, though; the only thing you'll be hitting is the floor when a horde of zombies cut you down. I also take the liberty of shooting anyone that isn't a hero if they have an AMR; who the hell needs an AMR to kill a zombie?! As for scopes... depending on what servers you play on, choose assault rifles that have an ACOG scope. This works a lot like a sniper rifle's magnification scope (though it is confusing at first), and you can hit / on the number pad to change to iron sights-it's the best of both worlds. The SA58 has an ACOG, and I believe some DayZ maps will have M16 w/ ACOGs. Don't quote me on that! To recap: I like sniper rifles, and would suggest one-but only if you have a PDW. When in doubt, choose the assault rifle (especially if you find 3 or more magazines of ammo!).
  11. applejaxc

    Proper Kill Counter

    The standalone's "Lootable Clothes" is going to make bandit identification so much harder, and so much more fun. Imagine this: A bandit with a black hoodie, cargo pants, and a mustache murders a player. The player respawns and tells everyone, "There's an asshole with a black hoodie, cargo pants, and a mustache killing everyone in Cherno!" You walk into Cherno and find a black hoodie and some cargo pants. You also happen to have a mustache. 10 bandit-hunters roll into Cherno looking for blood... Mistaken identity is going to be a bitch.
  12. applejaxc

    DayZ Wins and Fails Competition

    No it wasn't. Acronyming a word avoid the rule of repetition. You could easily read that sentence without the parentheses. I was trying to be nice by explaining what FUBAR meant. Now if you want to talk about fails... You only use three periods in an elipsetical omission, genius. Grammar Nazi fail. Go back home and concentrate on what you've done wrong today.
  13. applejaxc

    Comparison of DayZ Weapons For New Players

    I appreciate the post, but numbers and colors don't make much sense to new players. I had a really hard time starting out in DayZ because every time I asked for help, I got those stupid color-coated tables. :) I just picked all my gear based on what I could find/what weapons I liked in ArmA 2.
  14. applejaxc

    DayZ Wins and Fails Competition

    If you read one of the questions above you, you'd know that my HUD is FUBAR (fucked up beyond all reason) for some reason. The bleeding indicator wasn't flashing anyway; I wasn't bleeding. As for the white blips through walls on zombies: Why do you ask? Is that not normal? Maybe it's because the server I was playing on was "Recruit" instead of "Veteran" difficulty?
  15. applejaxc

    Comparison of DayZ Weapons For New Players

    I brought up the MW2 as an example of an opinion that was biased for a stupid reason. I wasn't trying to say that CoD should be your ultimate firearms reference (though MW3's most powerful rifle, the M4A1, did make me smile; they finally got some realism points). I've used various Glock handguns before, and I don't like any of them. An all-plastic exterior makes it hard to maintain and the lack of accessory rails/mounts make its usefulness dubious at best. You can choose flashlight or laser in real life as an underbarrel item, not both. The M9 isn't incredibly better, but I've never had an M9 jam before-and I'm the kind of clutz that would drop his gun in a pile of sand trying to clear the chamber. I've fired the Browning HiPowered and the Colt Python before. They're both loud and the recoil is intense. I've never fired a .45ACP revolver, however. I don't use a pistol unless I absolutely have to, like a zombie is standing in the only doorway to leave a building. I won't go through more than one magazine every day, and taking trips to the airfields aren't difficult. The G17 is functional and the PDW can accept 9million different magazine types, but I'd still go with the M9SD over all, unless I had a MP5K6SD or Bizon. And yes, I'd pick the Bizon over the M4CCOSD or whatever the hell it's called.
  16. applejaxc

    Comparison of DayZ Weapons For New Players

    1: Automatic fire is wasted fire. You can us ONE bullet for a headshot or THREE in the chest instead of the 4-6 most people fire in "Bursts." 2: I devote too much of my inventory to primary weapon/gear to waste inventory space on MPSD magazines for the PDW. 3: Don't use iron sights? Pfff... I play "Hardcore" mode, with as little a hud as possible-I disable side chat, side-chat VOIP, vehicle, global, et cetera. I don't have the green 2-bar pip-aim when shooting "From the hip." Regardless, I tend to "Noscope" with slow weapons like the L119A6 "Lupua" for fun/a challenge.
  17. applejaxc

    DayZ Wins and Fails Competition

    That sentence took me 3 attempts to read. Are you asking why don't I make noise/can't be seen? I think my display is FUBAR with all the mods I've got installed on top of DayZ; I usually have a broken leg display and the game won't get rid of the "You're in shock" display until I log out/log back in. And I was in a forest. You don't usually make noise/have a visual reading when you're near the marked mountain locations.
  18. The "Extra $7" can save your life, sir/ma'am! I beg you to reconsider. Consider these 2 situations: 1 (where you don't pay the extra seven bucks): You walk into Cherno. There's a man hiding in some grass nearby. You don't see him and die. 2 (you do pay): You walk into Cherno. A really crisp ghillie suit is in the middle of low-rez grass. You turn and kill him.
  19. applejaxc

    Something is off here.

    Some people just don't update their servers. Also: While joining a server, be careful about whether it says Private Hive or not; Private servers will make you restart and you can't keep your stuff in "Official servers." It sucks spending 10 hours to join the wrong server >.> And play ArmA 2 OA as much as you can while you try to fix DayZ; it will save your virtual life.
  20. applejaxc

    Booted because downloadable content was deleted?

    Have you previously connected to DayZ and played without any issues? Did you launch ArmA Combined Ops or just ArmA 2/OA? What I did was I copied everything in "Addons" from ArmA 2 to ArmA 2 OA Beta's addons folder (to create ArmA 2 CO), then added DayZ/other relevant mods straight into the addons folder so things would load out of order/incorrectly. Do you have the right version of DayZ? Different servers run different versions.
  21. applejaxc

    Comparison of DayZ Weapons For New Players

    There are Cherno police zombies! The guys with the tiara-looking hat and the plastic windbreakers? I like killing them because they drop bandages and road flares, my 2 favorite things.
  22. YOU HAVE SEEN WHAT CANNOT BE UNSEEN! Riveting tales that send shivers down your spine. Dayz brings people together for better and for worse. It teaches you social dynamics, and how they change under stress. How paranoia can keep you alive and lonely. How friendship can save your life or leave you dead. I have plenty of my own stories to share, yet will limit myself to two. This will be our legacy, men and women, survivors, heroes, bandits of DayZ. This collection of nonfiction accounts of our travels will remind us of the thrills of being alive... Nothing made up, no bragging. Straight facts. All as non fictitious as a story about a video game can be. The story of Cowboy Grandma: I met this woman in Cherno named Delirarus (or something dinosaur-like). She sounded like she was at least 50, and recently quit smoking. She told me she was looking for her son in Keltrovdsk (there's a city north-west of Elektro with a name like that, I think). She had a revolver and a remington. I met cowboy grandma. It made my day. Delirarus and I killed 2 bandits that were hiding in one of the 2-story buildings in Cherno and split the gear 50-50. I had a truck hidden in the bushes out of town. We ran for the truck and I drove her north of Elektro, and told her she was free to take anything she wanted from my truck. We met her son (I don't remember his name), and he was similarly pretty cool. We discussed the Zombie Survival Guide (Max Brooks, great book!) for a while when someone in side chat was screaming, "OH MY GOD WTF YOU HAXXR OH MY GOD." We decided to investigate the north-west airfield... So I drive the UAZ onto the strip to draw fire. I drew plenty of AS50 rounds to the back tires, and finally one through the windshield that knocked me unconscious (how the hell I lived I'll never know). This beautiful man bailed out, pulled me out of the car, bandaged me, packed me into the back seat, and jumped back in. His mother jumped into the driver's seat and drove us out of there. Turns out she had taken a round as well, but I got the last bandage. Her last words were, "Take care of my son" before she fell out of the car and died. This is just a video game, but it made me cry. I gave the son all my stuff, and now he and Cowboy Grandma own it. The story of Fail: This story is actually comprised of two events, both of which I captured on video. First, I found a pick up truck near one of of the major (and barren) mountain tops of Chernarus. I was all yippie-ki-freaking-aye, and drove the truck around. It was a snail upslope, but was a godsend nonetheless. So I started heading towards Bor (I think?) and some other towns so I could ride south/east into Elektro and do some looting/bandit killing. I turn towards the road, and can quite clearly see it at the base of this hill. Some shrubs hid the hill from me, and I wrongly assumed the hill calmly sloped into the road. I was very wrong. So I gun it and hit about 50MPH for the road and suddenly my tires leave the ground. I spend a few heartbeats thinking, "wtf?" followed by, "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-THUMP." Flipped the ruck onto some rocks and the side of the hill and kill myself. I later uncovered the wreckage and marked it the Applejaxc Memoriam for the Mentally Inept. (AMMI) So I recover my body and my MP5ASD6 whatever whatever.. and all my ammo is missing. I used the L85 ASW in place of it and went into Elektro... And agroed every zombie I could >.> In panic, I fled my hiding place and boarded a grand construction crane, praying to the Gods of DayZ that zombies would forget how to climb ladders. My prayers were not answered. Zombie after zombie assault my island in the sky, until finally I was thrown over board. I died on impact. :( THEN I RECOVERED THAT BODY, too... all my ammo was missing. WTF?
  23. applejaxc

    Nonfiction Accounts of the Occult

    Not incredibly dramatic, I'd say, but that reminds me of my first 2 weeks of DayZ. Every two seconds I was near the coast, I kept thinking the ocean was a car. In fact, 9/10 of the custom DayZ ambient sounds sound like a car; I had to disable music entirely to play without doing Crazy Ivans and shooting everything.
  24. applejaxc

    Day Z Videos

    DayZ double fail (I'm proud of the first one) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMPwAdYIv4o Skip to 10:00 and 35:00 for the fails.