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About sirdaecon

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    Calgary, Alberta
  1. sirdaecon

    Failed to contact key server

    I already got a reply from Steam, it seems they just ran out of keys. Already enjoying the game, thanks for answering =)
  2. sirdaecon

    Failed to contact key server

    I am sir.
  3. Hi guys i just bought Arma 2 Complete Edition from steam, i installed arma 2, operation arrowhead & dayz. I was able to do the initial "boot" for arma 2 but when i go to OA it says "failed to contact key server", is there any way for me to bypass this so i can play Dayz? What does this problem mean? Thanks!
  4. Wow luckily i was able to see this thread, so stoked on having a dog in dayz i will be sending an email to get the password, thanks & more power!
  5. sirdaecon

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Read that 1.7.3 will go live today, some of the fixes actually are from the SA, can't wait for this monster game to be released =)
  6. Looking good so far, soon we'll be seeing some zombie screenies =)
  7. sirdaecon

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    Pics are off the hook!
  8. sirdaecon

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    ^^This is possible, i just hope what the Mayans predicted are not true =)
  9. sirdaecon

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Almost bought WarZ, good thing I read first some of its reviews. Will just play nba 2k13 before i say goodbye to my social life when this bad boy comes out. At least Dean told us that this will be released before winter =)
  10. sirdaecon

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Yeah hopefully they release it on Halloween time =)
  11. sirdaecon

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Hope that the companion dogs are implemented upon alpha launch.