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Everything posted by ravey

  1. ravey

    DayZ Mod Update

    Don't forget that this is a beta patch. So there was bound to be glitches! https://dev-heaven.net/projects/dayz I think you need to post all the bugs on the above link so they can be prioritised and fixed
  2. It's something to do with the line of sight and also that Zeds can't run through buildings. So if you get inside the first few zombies will lurch their way towards you and rest just give up and lurch about out side. If you fire your gun though they go crazy and flood the building. Our server is on veteran so the Zeds are extremely persistent. I haven't seen any spawning glitches yet. But they can still attack you through walls which is a pain
  3. ravey

    DayZ Mod Update

    Speaking of packs, I'm still confused on the new storing system. For example the coyote is 24 item slots and 6 weapon slots right? I tried filling my coyote with 6 weapons last night but it could only fit in two. Am I misunderstanding the new storage system?
  4. ravey

    DayZ Mod Update

    Well yeah it is a bit of a pain to lose four slots I'm presuming your backpack was full and you lost a few items? They did release the changelog before the patch. Maybe you should of read that before you updated your game? I had a similar issue. I had an L85, any they have been removed from the game now. So when I logged in I had no weapon. To make things worse I got slapped by a zombie the night before last and broke a bone. So I had to crawl around avoiding Zeds until a mate brought me morphine. But I had a lot if fun on the game after that. So I'm not making a big deal out of it
  5. ravey

    New Combat Roll Animation

    So this is a ligitimate animation for the patch? It's great fun. Here are some more barrel rolling antics! Edit: oops that was a Dev blog ill get the correct video in a sec
  6. ravey

    Rolling Change log

    So the answer to my first question was today! So scratch that! Ill check out the backpack thing for myself tonight!
  7. ravey

    DayZ Mod Update

    I'm just trying to get hold of the Teamoldskool head admin to get this patch up and running on UK 498. Then it's some serious bug reporting time!
  8. ravey

    Rolling Change log

    I there's ting update. Changelog has now been changed to pre-release. So could we see a mod patch sometime before Easter? Also one of the updates is a change to the backpacks. For example coyote backpack says it has 26 slots (I think) and then can hold 6 weapons. Is this 26 items OR 6 guns. Or Is this 26 Items AND 6 guns Cheers!
  9. ravey

    DayZ server administration guide

    I don't want this to disappear just yet as it is an extremely useful document. Please read it! It would be great if an Admin could sticky this too!
  10. I would say it is unlikely a Hacker has banned you. It may be an automated ban cause by a glitch in the game (which happens on occasion) If the server admin regularly checks his ban list be will be able to verify if you were hacking or not. If you were not, then he can manually lift the ban. Just keep trying every 24 hours. (It may just be a temporary ban) Also did your friend ask you to make any change to game files before playing? I'm just curious.
  11. ravey

    DayZ server administration guide

    Hey drunkie. I think I might give you guys a visit on your server tonight!
  12. ravey

    DayZ server administration guide

    Great News, I have already read through this. I'm biased though because I am an Admin alongside Terror and LieLestSbrat. But they have years of admin experience and they are are a wealth of knowledge. If there is anything you don't understand then I suggest you post your question here. Alternatively you can visit us in game (there is an admin present every evening, the server is monitored all day though) Or vist our forum at www.teamoldskool.com
  13. ravey

    Vehicle Improvements

    Well shooting out of cars has already been mentioned as a possible feature by the Dev team. This is probably to counter Zeds that can attack cars. They key feature is great though. You could even go as far as making the car alarmed, so if you Hotwire it, the alarm sounds and attracts zombies and possibly the owner of the car.
  14. ravey

    BanZ Union - Banned on one, banned on ALL

    Hey Doc, I was just reading over your homepage and something you ask is for union members to show their affiliation by placing a [bANZ] tag onto their server name. This is fine but affiliation works both ways! Could you add a list to your homepage of the servers currently using the Banz Union? It should have the server name, address, and an associated forum address (if the server has one) Doing this well let players see at first glance who uses your information and the safest servers to join. I'm not sure if our server is in your union yet but ill get a head admin to check you out and apply.
  15. ravey

    Suggestion/Feature/Idea Poll

    AH okay. So these are ideas that WILL NOT be in the foundation release but will be prioritised for later release depending on timescales and unforeseen circumstances. Thanks Smasht!
  16. ravey

    Suggestion/Feature/Idea Poll

    Can we clarify what the vote is about please? All of the options should be in the game. I'm assuming we are voting for what we want to see first from the Dev team? So if you think being able to milk a cow or a goat is most important over more storage space then the Dev team should put all thier effort into milking cows before starting anything else. Also I'm guessing that the top five results will be the first things we see in the foundation release? With everything else included in subsequent patches?
  17. ravey

    Armor and equipment

    Scavenger's list of Armour is great. All that I would add is that if you wear Armour you will not be able to wear camouflage gear. Otherwise snipers would be pretty tough to beat. Also anyone who is hit with bullets should fall unconscious (the number of hits should be equivalent to a killing blow, so if it takes two bullets to kill without armour then two hits should render a player unconscious). This opens up a way of knocking someone out then rob them. But still gives the player a fighting chance to survive.
  18. Yeah the best option is to just keep searching for a good server. Try and look for servers that have communities with forums. Check them out. Talk with Admins in game or join thier Teamspeak Channel if they have one. I just want to point out though that locating hackers and thier loot that they have hacked into the game is not easy. The logs are extremely hard to read because it logs every little detail that happens in the server. It's a lot of information to sort through and very time consuming. In fact it's probably quicker and easier to find a helicopter and fly around to look for camp sites and loot. As for the anti hacker program for the standalone, don't forget that it is not infallible. Hackers will still find ways to get around it. Without access to logs it will become much harder to catch them.
  19. ravey


    There should be at least one or two trains that are drivable! We have boats cars and helicopters, so I think this is a sensible vehicle too! Rail lines would need functioning signals and switch points would be needed so a train can head inland or along the coast. Trains then could have different cabins spread around the map, passenger cabins which hold nice loot. Storage cabins that act like tents. A military gun wagon (similar to the gun on a large helicopter ). Who likes this idea?
  20. Yeah I like this idea. Some times very small actions can add a bit of authenticity to a game. Generally in our group it's the guy with the biggest gun who chooses the lookout.
  21. ravey


    Whoops! Sorry. I just scanned through a few pages. If it's going to cause issues then just close the thread.
  22. ravey

    Low FPS on 'Very High' Graphics

    Only problem with this is that my spec is much lower than this and I am running the game on Very High, Phenom 2 quad core processor GTX 560 Ti (448 cores) 8Gb DDR2 Ram Vertex 256Gb SSD My game played crap until I bought an SSD now it's as smooth as a babies bottom.
  23. ravey

    Low FPS on 'Very High' Graphics

    Are you using a SSD to run and play the game? If not then that could make a big difference.
  24. I killed a survivor a few days back at balota air strip, I was looting some dead bodies then I spotted this guy poking his head around a corner. It was a clean kill, at mid range, straight through the head and he didn't suffer.