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Everything posted by berm

  1. Hello All, I've just put a lot of hard work into starting a new epoch server. I would like to share what my server has to offer with all of you. When it comes to custom mods we all have the same thing, what I want to make different in my server is the people that join. So come in and start building! Mission statement: As an admin I pledge to treat each and every player with respect and give them the help they need to have an enjoyable dayz experience. I would like to make a great community. I want PvP to open. TS info: ts107.light-speed.com:4668 Here are a few mods that are available to players, Roaming AI, with custom loot including briefcases (bandits, Heroes, Military) Custom Store - Always adding new guns and Items, (make suggestions) Keeping away from overly militaristic vehicles Towing/Lifting-NEW!!! Auto refuel - Only at gas stations. (because you shouldn't refuel at a propane tank ;)) Self Bloodblag Safe Zones - All except bandit camp Vehicle towing and lifting. Indestructible Bases (Cinder) Custom Loadout Custom Mission Care Packages , Custom Battle Ground tournaments(currently Building Battle grounds)
  2. come in and join! just added a bunch of custom buildings and loot spots! get weapons quickly
  3. Please come along this evening and bring your squads and clan. compete for missions with briefcases!
  4. Hello all, hope you'll stop in today. Added towing and lifting of vehicles. also added new mission system waaaaaayy better which should add a bit of excitement until the numbers increase!
  5. Hello All, I've just re launched my server and I am looking to create a server/environment for mature players bandits and survivors alike. Please come down and let's build a proper mature community we can play in! Bermy's Boom Boom Room IP.
  6. KCCO!| Private HIve 45 Slot| Active admins| Gotcha Anti-Hack 24/7 Day Auto Restarts Every 6 hours(warns) Max Vehicles - Custom spawn points, 50+ </p> Mode* Veteran Side Chat ON 3rd Person ON Way-points ON Arma OA Beta version* 100296 DayZ Mod* Please come and join us and stay! we eventually want to move to white listing.
  7. bump? come in and play for the evening guys choppers and cars just spawned!