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Everything posted by berm

  1. Ok, So i've used chernarus w/ NO rmod in the commandline manager in TCadmin and now server is stuck on creating "wait for host"
  2. How do i delete rmod it's not letting me from file manager or ftp filezilla
  3. Hello, Im wondering if anyone can help me..Yesterday I purchased a server from HA and it was ready to go in about 1-2 hours which was perfect. So I hop onto the server to figure out some thing (I am admittedly new to all of this). I notice that it was running So i go back into CP take down the server and it gives me an options within the update sections to update to so i Do and install latest Battle EYE and Beta patch. go back and the status of the server just says error. Can I fix this myself or do I have to wait for Host altitude? they same very farking slow, and I've had a server for less than 24 hours and it's been down pretty much the whole time. If not whats the best way to get them becuase support tickets is shite.
  4. Yeah, I'm really losing faith in dayz server hosters. If this doesn't work out I'll just cancel and deal with hackers and private hive admin abuse. Never thought I could make an investment worse than strippers....
  5. Just bought a server today whats the chances of it actually being alone in less than 24 hours? Dayz server providers are killing me soooo slowly with customer service and reply times.
  6. can no one help me solve this problem?