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About Mike8629

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    On the Coast
  1. Mike8629

    Was i hacking?

    OK, so basically I was kicked from a server (random battle eye junk), I logged back in to find out the owner just killed me and I was teleported into the middle of nowhere.It turns out i was kicked for using this script; private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf"; He then rages at me because i was able to get a shotgun and a bag form looting both fire stations, store and church in electro in 10mins. The owner was insulting me, calling me a stupid script kiddy and its just pathetic how some people think, Banning me with no proof, I even told him it was the map and he wouldnt try it. I didn't use any scripts, However when I was kicked, i opened my map and clicked server control because i saw a guy on youtube access his gear through his map, i was curious how. So what im saying is, When you open a map and click 'server control' Does it tell the server your executing this script? i want your guys opinons, and if a server admin could test it with a non admin player accessing the server control. private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf";