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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Hello, Last Year I ran a server on the mod for several months and used to comb over the server logs to find Hackers and items that shouldn't be in the game, After a long time I decided to get a server for DayZ SA but I cannot find any way of repeating this, or talking Via admin chat to players who wish to voice their concerns about players who I could then look into from the logs. If anyone could help or even point me in the direction it would be greatly appreciated, I loved being able to help people who used my server and always tried to keep it as clean as possible, but at the moment these are causing me snags. Thank you very much for any assistance:)
  2. I dont know what shards are, Ill need to look into it:) but if a private shard stops players carrying gear over from public servers I will probably not use them, But thank you for the info it will help:)
  3. Haha, well at least you are honest, But that really does suck, even just the logs would be a great help. Lets just hope I dont have any issues until a later date:)
  4. I also miss the Tools, They were so helpful, especially Dart, I would sit with it online 24/7 and if anyone ever thought someone was hacking, all they had to do was type Admin and the problem and I would Look into it by combing through the logs, If it was a hacker or anything else similar then I would dish out a kick/Ban and If the person re-offended I always had their IP address that I could ban if they changed their names. Now I feel Im flying blind, People could be hacking, and I have no way to even speak to any of the clans or communities that visit my server, So unless I witness it, I am unable to ever Ban a hacker from my server. This means if my server is hacked often that people will not come onto it, which ruins the whole experience. So if it stays this way I doubt I will keep my server, since I may as well just be playing and letting someone else worry about it, which i think is unfair.
  5. Where do i put these files? I cannot find a location with a similar name etc?
  6. Ok I just feel like an idiot, I cannot get onto almost every server now because they are all running Version 1.62.xxxx I cannot find this version at all, And I don't know how to install this hotfix. I know its stupid but can someone please point me in the right direction? Im using windows Play withSIX.
  7. Hello, This is just a simple question, On some servers if someone talks in side chat it shows the name of the person using it, On my server I must have that disabled as I can never see who is talking, and when the server is busy its impossible for me to deal with people talking and not knowing who to warn/kick. Please let me know which file to edit or change so I can change this:) Thank you:)
  8. Yeah I found the same file in 3 different locations, I edited all 3 and it still has the same issue.
  9. I tried this and all of the difficulties have it set to 1 but still there is nothing showing up.
  10. Hello, I'm just about to update my filters to the latest version but I am curious, will this kick/ban people even if they accidently pick up a hacked/bannned item? Not everyone knows what is legit and what is not so I dont want a person to be banned for no reason?
  11. Hello, I have been an admin for about 2 months and most of the time the server owners update the filters, But now its my turn to do it, What is the best way and where in the server files would I put them so that they work effectively?
  12. This might sound stupid and a bit delayed but i Found that whilst i was on the server and logged as admin, a majority of major hacks never happened probably because they could see someone was on that could do something about it, I've been testing it for a while, even whilst away from the house if i stay logged on the complaints of hackers dropped insanely. If you have one just give it a try:)
  13. Heya, Im a new admin and recently I have had people asking if Heli crashes are even spawning on my server, Recently after my provider crashed I have noticed that only one has spawned in the last couple of days and I have even left my server on for 24 hours to see if that spawned any, Is it possible to see them on the logs? and if so is it possible that they are showing up as invisible? This is a public server. Thanks for any help.
  14. Thank you very much, I have been running the logs Live and watching them whilst playing, I managed to find people hacking and teleporting quite easily just watching the info streaming, To update the BE Filters i just delete the old ones and upload the newest ones dont I? Will this Kick/ban people who have a hacked item accidently? For instance a new player picking up a gun thats in a namalsk server but not in a Chernarus server?
  15. Thanks ill get looking into it, I managed to find a second one, I accidently drove into it and blew up my ATV and died instantly lol I never even seen it.
  16. Hello I'm a new Admin now first off all if vehicles seem to spawn doubles. I'm not bothered about this as it means more people can find or have vehicles. If this is against the rules I would like to know. The bigger issue is that we have had a group of hackers on who teleported all 6 of the helis to there base which I am unable to find to destroy. As well as a large majority of other vehicles. I am wondering if there is a pay to teleport or reset just those vehicles to their original spawn points or a way for me to find out roughly where they have put them all. I have tried resetting and also restarting the server but this had no effect. I kniw they were teleported because i sat 3 different accounts next to all 6 helis. Logged off for 10 minutes and logged on whilst the suspected hackers were on all 6 were gone and players reported that a ural and hummer disappeared whilst they were at base. Please help thank you
  17. My file is .txt not .log? I have also been looking at it and Holy Moly its huge, The file started on the 13th of march. i looked at when i Last reset the server but I Do not know what a vehicle spawn should look like Unfortunately. Any pointers? Please ignore this message I noticed shortly afterwards how to check for vehicles and I also created a small script to check for banned items on my server using the log file. Is it possible to destroy items without banning a player? e.g a new players picks up a hacked/banned item?
  18. Sorry i ment a Public hive, let me change that in my message.
  19. I have started using your guide, I have a small issue, when i use DayZ Cheatfinder I dont have as many logs as you did, I am also running a public hive so I don't understand why I have so little. For instance i don't have AddMagazineCargoHold.log whilst you do. I'm sure its an important script so I'm worried if I miss it then a lot of hackers will go by undetected. Thank you for any assistance.
  20. Sorry i forgot to mention yes it is a public Hive. thank you very much i shall read both links:) What about vehicles which have been teleported but were injected by the server? would I be able to find them in a similar way to finding out a players location?
  21. I accidently Permabanned someone from one of my servers, I ment to change the timer to 60 minutes but instead did it as infinite, Is this something done on this program or another way? and its an amazing program so BUMP:P
  22. We are all aware of how easy it is to spot a tent no matter how well you hide it, The graphics make it stand out like a sore thumb at a distance, and you cannot change the colour to make it blend in better. Why cant we make custom tents? We have an entrenching tool but we cannot build a small trench and put our tent in it, Just think how much better it would be to create a small hole and put a tent in it? cover it with leaves and there you go, a tent that's much better hidden and harder to find. The other solution is to make tents that are not so angular, that way they wouldn't stick out so much, there is real tents that are more semi-cylinder shaped that triangular. Just to clarify no I'm not annoyed about my tent being raided:P I have yet to FIND my own tent lol EDIT NOTE* Shortly after posting this i walked into a market with 10 tents scattered about it:P EDIT NOTE*; I agree with Penny Sue that it would take a lot out of the game if we all had hidden caches of weapons, Hence i think it would be better if the cache did disappear when you died, Because the whole point is each time you die you are a new person washing up on the shore, not the same person, so you shouldn't be able to "know" where a cache is that has "your" weapons and stuff in it. Finding your own dead body is different because it is another person you are looting to try and survive. Thank you Penny Sue for pointing that out:)
  23. Im in the Uk names Daniel and im 21, been playing for about 2 months. Im looking for people to just have fun and not be too serious, so if your wanting to team up im game, skype name is scotty_head and it will take me about an hour to meet you guys because im so far north lol, and as for greedy i like to have lots of things:P bt i love to share, as long as a bullet isnt in my skull a few mins later.