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About norsk2277

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. DayZ Overpoch Server SERVER IP & TS3: Dedicated Server france The server requires DayZ Epoch and DayZ Overwatch mod -mod=@DayZOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch Or connect with DayZ Launcher, search for PMI and you will find the server Hello and welcome to a brand new DayZ Overpoch server. We at PMI aim for no lag or desync in the server with a powerfull Dedicated machine. We have active and mature admins, restart every 3 hours, Backup of the database so you dont lose your gear if a hacker is on, we have antihack protection and much more. The reason why you should chose this server is because we have custom map. And also custom buildings placed in the map for players to build bases. With BuildVector you can turn and rotate building objects to build your dream base! Dont worry about your vehicles at your base, because as long as you have the vehicles inside the plotpole range the vehicles are indestructible. You can earn allot of money on going to wreck treasure or go to the weed farm to either smoke it or sell it for coins. You can also do ikea missions and much much more. Please dont hesitate to PM me either here or teamspeak for more information :) Server is DDoS-Protected. In the event of a Denial of Service Attack the server would get back online in about 1-2 minutes. Features: - Anti-DDoS Protection - Hero and Bandit mission - Self bloodbag - Emotes - Custom Map - More vehicles - Snap Pro - BuildVector - Deploy Bike - Less rain - No fog - Wreck treasure - Weed farm - Active Admins - Gold Coin System - Vehicle godmode in plotpole radius - Maintain Base from plotpole - More Military loot & More weapons - Supply Drop - Day&Night Cycle - Refuel at fuelpump - Repair station Server Information:Nettwork : 1 GbpsCPU : Intel Xeon E3-1245v2SSD : 3x of 120GB SSDRAM: 32GB Pictures: - Balota - North West Airfield - North East Airfield - Solnichi
  2. Rocket? do you have any time frame or schechuele when we gone see Vehicles in DayZ Standalone??
  3. From twitter "DayZ Development ‏@dayzdevteam 5. mar. At 1700GMT friday we will initiate an unscheduled maintenance period to update DayZ with 0.37. The maintenance period for today is complete"
  4. norsk2277

    stucked in boat

    Hello guys! so yesterday i went to the big boat near lumber mill and looted the boat. When i loged out i went into a room and loged out. but now when i loged back in i got in a room where the doors is locked :/ it cannot be opened. what to do?
  5. norsk2277

    Standalond Hackers...[Teleported to ocean]

    Okay, i played on a dayz server with 40 players or something, i moved tru the bushes at balota airfield, runed east. Sudenly my screen just flashed and i got teleported long to hell, in some bushes. I think it may be a hacker og a bug. Idk
  6. norsk2277

    DayZ Screenshots!

    My camp at Dayz Epoch Folded wings on osprey :D
  7. norsk2277

    DayZ Memes

  8. Okay guys! the server is now running ACRE! you can still connect without ACRE mod! I gone work with some of the fatures from ACE into the dayz server also :) The idea of bringing ACE to the dayz server is because of the realistic in that mod! the ACE mod will bring more realisitc sniping into the game! Also you have the weapon jamming system, the jamming system happends at random time. You should also be carefull with boarding the helicoper because the tailrotor will kill you in ACE mod. Read more about the ACE features at http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ACE_Features