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Mr Horsey (DayZ)

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About Mr Horsey (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Mr Horsey (DayZ)

    "Zombie Logging" What's your take?

    How about not being able to log out while you have aggro? And for those who are pissed off with it......does running into a bush or round a corner count as an exploit?
  2. Mr Horsey (DayZ)

    Fishing off Death Mountain

    Duck hunt...the MMO.Exciting stuff.
  3. Mr Horsey (DayZ)

    Completely hopeless and utter dispair....

    Don't get too down on it.I have only been playing a few days myself and have never played a game that pisses me off more (although Dark Souls comes close).Being a newbie most of my good loot has come by chance from dead players and yesterday I found a body with all sorts of goodies on it (even a radio,which I have heard is a cheat or something).Anyways I had a GPS and map and so made my way up to the fabled airfield in the north,via a scary detour to Green Mountain,I felt like it took forever .I was on edge the entire time and saw snipers where ever I looked ( when I say snipers I mean aggressive looking bushes).I finally got to the airfield and this was by far the furthest north I had ever been and I was feeling seriously out of my depth,and wished I had taken the time to improve my blood levels but it was too late to turn back and the thought of being able to replace my dinner bell with something less suicidal was pretty exciting.So I spy the barracks and reccy the area before going in...almost there!Its all gonna be worth it! Except it wasn't. Some twat had erected a tent in the doorway and I couldn't get in. Had to laugh.
  4. My first dayz today. Spent most of my time leeroying into towns on quiet servers looking for something,anything, to defend myself with. Running from Zed is tiresome work. I see a warehouse in the distance and the dollar signs light up in my eyes..and bingo!.......a hatchet.Better than harsh language I guess. Anyway Zed has got a whiff of me so I head up the stairwell where at the very least I might be able to bottleneck them. And there I find Jake,stood no more than a few feet from me. We look at each other for a second or two.He has a hatchet too.I salute.He backs off and jinks from side to side in way of greeting,I guess he didn't know the salute key. Then he's gone and I head to the roof looking for something a bit more formidable than a forestry tool.Obviously the deadliest weapon I find is a helicopter rotor.It sounds like Zed has gotten bored and wandered off to do whatever foul depraved thing that Zed does when he's not making my life a misery.So back downstairs I go and who do I find? Jake! He's dead. Fell off a ledge. Thanks for the beans Jake.