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About exwnightmare

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    BC Canada
  1. Well heres another comfirmed report lol. got shot at on the 2nd floor of the hospital from the stairwell, i could place the sound of his gunshots and hear his footsteps, but there was noone within sight, and i basically just fell over dead via ghost m4 rounds
  2. exwnightmare

    Why putting heart attacks in game makes no sense

    I wish people understood the term "realism".. By the end of development i see this game having god damn near every disease known to man that isnt cured through vaccines(polio, smallpox n all that stuff). If your complaining about heart attacks, your probably gonna hate this game when its done. Also, how in the hell is a STD more logical than a heart attack? i dont recall any interaction options involving rape or anything close to being sexual, so how the fuck would we contract syphilis or gonorrhea or someshit? did it all magically become airborne when the zombies started?
  3. Absolutely loving the update speeds guys, i figured patches of this size would be maybe monthly, but this is like the 2nd in a month. very impressed. hopefully theres a free slot or 2 today :)
  4. Anyone who has camped in the middle of the woods, hours from civilization and electricity will know that night is DARK AS FUCK, dayz is a pretty accurate display of a 0-light pollution environment. people need to realize there are variables to nighttime. standing in a field with a full moon, its like a grey daytime. throw some clouds in and its dark as fuck. throw the moon behind the mountains as well as clouds, and youve got yourself a solid black screen. its all dependent on location and time. and gamma/brightness lol edit : One thing that is missing is eye adaption, after 10-20 minutes in the dark your eyes would adjust enough to see figures, but i dont think this happens at all.
  5. exwnightmare

    "Friendlies" are just a bunch of lamers

    the simple phrase "can you please take these handcuffs off" has gotten me taken out and set free 4 times currently. would i have been set free without asking nicely, perhaps, we wont know. but we do know asking nicely has worked, if not consistantly.
  6. exwnightmare

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S. Survival Guide [Complete] [Update on May 30th]

    Good guide, will surely help out the new bloods around here get going, pretty much exactly as i play. Also, you get all the beans for the sountrack post. love the music from that game(and last light)
  7. exwnightmare

    Craftable door

    Grenades. c4. dynamite. lockpicks. drive a large truck through the wall. do you really thing a steel door is impenetrible? not by a long shot. honestly it sounds like your descibing the rust door mechanics... i think dayz can be more sophisticated than that in making a door lol.
  8. exwnightmare

    Brightness settings at night ruining this game!

    actually thats exactly what happens when you shine a flashlight on a wall and walk close to hit. the closer you get the smaller the beam..have you ever used one in real life lol? never seen it go to a "pinpoint" on my game, but maybe the diamater of a can of pop. if it actually does that i dont think its normal OP some monitors have better lighting/visuals in them, as well as variable desktop settings can get you to a bright darkness such as that. the standard is just upping your brightness/gamma, but if you want a visible darkness without that, try a Benq monitor, i never have to adjust my settings, and i can see in any game at night
  9. exwnightmare

    Ghost Operative recruitment

  10. exwnightmare

    Ghost Operative recruitment
