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Everything posted by ZeroGravitySE

  1. ZeroGravitySE


    Game is boring because of the hackers. Only thing worth doing now is spawning in, finding newb gear and fighting in central towns. No point in surviving. I've died to hacks/scripts 5-6 times. And I don't even play that much. DayZ is going to go down the toilet, alpha or no alpha. They shouldn't of released to the public if they couldn't combat the cheating. Same thing happen to APB. Sure people still play it, barely. But sure, there is still cheating. But there is little to no population, so it doesn't matter. More power to server admins is needed. Who cares if they ban innocent people, there are other servers. Go there and cry. Oh wait but they might lose their vehicle and camp site. Oh wait... They did anyways to cheats. lol pointless argument is pointless.
  2. ZeroGravitySE

    free loot

    Dev issue, can't do anything about it as admin. Nor do I care, because the game is alpha and shouldn't be taken serious. Its fun to play though :D
  3. If you report it to me, the Wolves can go in there with a team and see if they're cheating. Also you guys have to understand that there are pathfinders out there, and if he has one, all it takes is one shot one kill. Specially if you lower the graphic settings you can see through forest easy. Most people play this game on low settings not because of FPS, but because it takes away all the brush, and extra flora that isn't server side, like a tree would be. Its no one in Wolves of War though. We don't hang at the NE airfield. We find it boring up there (closes we'll go is berezino). You can find me specifically on the coast line. I usually hang down there waiting for idiots to come server hopping looking for kills, soon as they fire, I respond :D We specially been having problems with assholes spawning in at the NW airfield taking a shot and disconnecting as soon as they get one kill. Because they know they're f'd when they see two vehicles filled with people, lol. Even hacking thats near impossible to take out 10-14 people that are skilled & instant communicating. Unless they have some BS. But by then they're being reported to the devs with video proof. So we welcome idiots like that, as they have to pay for a new game :D I'd also like to state, that you will find this on ALL servers. You can't just specifically point to one server and say "this is the server that is having the issue." Because thats not true. ALL servers are having issues with hackers, and disconnecting. Our server however has a lot of people that record their gameplay, including friends of the server/clan. So they're going to eventually get caught, so please, keep coming to US 104. We couldn't CARE LESS about losing our gear (the game is more fun with starter gear), catching you would make as all wet inside.
  4. Please rate the video if you enjoyed it. Thanks for watching. This is why we play DayZ. Was told to start sharing this video as its pretty funny if you have a sense of humor :D
  5. ZeroGravitySE

    Staff: Need clarification on ban-able offenses

    Dev team don't give a shit about DC'rs and exploits. They just want a pay check at the end of the day when this mod is finally finished. You can't fool people, there is no noble knights left in the world. Everyone is out for the cash/money. Its what puts food on our tables. The people that care about this mod are crying for help to stop this disconnecting BS. And all we get is that "admins might abuse their powers." If you want complete control pay for the servers yourself, but at least show some respect to the people paying the bill. Not saying the admins are in the right either if they start ban/kicking people happily. Admins need to do their best to protect the dayz community since the dayz devs have put it on the back burner. Just Sayin' -> It can't be that hard to create a item and force people to place this item on the ground which takes 20 seconds to do or longer, and even with alt-f4 bastards or people crashing their character should stay in game for that length of time. If they crash and lose their shit because they had zombies on them, well... to bad? Shouldn't be alone in this game anyways :D Its a team game, surviving isn't something you do alone in a post-apoc it takes a team. More than 75% of the fights I get into 3/4 times, when the person knows they don't have an advantage and I clearly am about to have one, they DC. Thats bitch, ruins the game, and the devs are to be blamed. It pisses us people off that are big fans of the game due to its hardcore nature. If you want to carebear it up and make a carebear game, please let us know, so some of us admins can move on and you can invite more of the carebear servers that play with name tags you can see miles away into the server list.
  6. ZeroGravitySE

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    I run WolvesofWar.org, We play on "US 104." We have around 20-30 members that play DayZ. I don't kick for members to get in because they're adults and can understand they need to wait their turn. The server has around 60 slots, and can have more once they fix their hive code and dayz code. Not everyone has a million dollars to host, but most can afford 90-110/month to run a server box. Thats not that expensive. And you can more than likely run 2-3 50 man arma 2 servers off that box. ALL I GOT TO SAY IS! F donations. Get a job pay for it yourself. Be a real man! F People defending the Dev team, they're not perfect they do make mistakes. F people here that don't respect server admins that are REAL men and pay for servers you guys play on for free and help the dayz dev team push their game to retail. F people that don't understand that this game/mod is going to make millions on release as long as another company doesn't come along sooner and do it bigger/better. F Fanbois that defend this mod even though it has serious problems, its not the greatest mod ever, but it sure as hell is a good one. F Rocket for reading the forums and listening to idiots, and giving them the time of day. F Server admins that don't understand that running a server is a privilege, not a right. F DayZ Dev Team for not fixing disconnecters! I follow the rules, and I have no complaints. I knew what I was signing up for when I wanted to run a server. You arrogant idiots who complain about the stupidest crap. Its so hard to come to the forums in DayZ lately and give two shits because I feel like the level of stupid in here is one of the reason why I wish World of War III would happen sometime soon and just turn humanity into its natural state of hunter/gather. So they'd stop bickering about BS that doesn't even matter. This is why I play DayZ http://youtu.be/_9j8mZF0WWg I enjoy the mod because it makes me laugh. It makes me cry. Its very fun, and its nice to have "hardcore PvP" again where people pay for being stupid. I LOVE IT. Now continue with the stupid.
  7. ZeroGravitySE

    Some feature ideas requesting feedback

    If its an ANTI server hopping tool so people couldn't just spawn on you while you attack a certain area. Then it does have uses for bandits, and more specific bandit groups. But overall its use would mean less with the amount of work it would take and space it would take just to get it up, and there is no guarantee that it would even matter. I think this is a MINOR issue compared to people DC'ing during fights.
  8. Whats up people, I'm glad I have allies in the fight against cheaters. Don't know why but the dumbasses like attacking US 104 now and then, but I find them everywhere I go, even when I go to other servers to play. Even tonight we ran into a hacker on US21 I think. Who was disconnecting to lobby when we fired upon him, teleporting around and was almost impossible to kill. Actually he killed us all, nothing we could do, and when we'd get close to him, he'd blow us up. I guess to him thats fun, for us, its just w/e. But if we ever catch him he'll obviously be reported and banned for life. Sucks...
  9. ZeroGravitySE

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Fought 20 people the other night. More than 50% of them disconnected while I was firing a shitty weapon at them. Bitches are gonna be Bitches.
  10. ZeroGravitySE

    Seattle 35 Removed

    Ah well, maybe if they were more selective people wouldn't be "pointing out fallacies" about something they agreed to when signing up. Listen dude. I think you're confused. I agreed to the DayZ rules when I started hosting. Yes. I did NOT agree to have my BOX...my SERVER BOX taken away from me if a DayZ dev gets pissy with me. That's what I am saying. I'm not arguing the rules, I'm arguing paying money to a server host that bends to the will of a Dev team. If I shut BE off on my servers, they can blacklist me. They CANNOT take my server box away from me that is paid for. Does it make sense now? I'm not arguing the fucking DayZ rules...I'm arguing the Devs being able to break a fucking contract you made between your HOSTER and YOURSELF. Does that clarify it for you? Christ Almighty. Maybe the server was hosted with other servers on the same IP? So they didn't want to blacklist the IP, so instead the server hosting company took it down and sent them an email that they violated blah blah blah, heres your patrial or full refund. Thats my guess. and I'm done with thread ;D
  11. ZeroGravitySE

    Seattle 35 Removed

    Ah well, maybe if they were more selective people wouldn't be "pointing out fallacies" about something they agreed to when signing up. I have no issue with Seattle 35 being removed. DayZ has been dropping in population anyways, and most of the servers haven't been at 50 people all the time during the day. I'd like for my server to be full 24/7, so that I have more to do. I've been being forced to go to other servers to hunt people. Which is bad news for them :D I think however if you pay for a months service and they terminate it mid-way, they should give you a refund. If not. Thats a pretty shitty service and I agree with wildguns there. I wouldn't take them to court because the money isn't important to me. But I would indeed blast them. Word of mouth will eventually do damage. Specially if you make it public they don't refund when they only give you partial service, no matter what the reason is. Thats bullshit, and poor business ethics. At least give them a partial refund. Its a business and businesses need to show they care about their customers.
  12. ZeroGravitySE

    Seattle 35 Removed

  13. So basically large groups dominate more than before. lulz, a single bandit is chill now. A large group of 6-20. another story.
  14. Our server, US 104. Bans people for disconnecting during a fight (PvP Only). Its a cowardly act and we won't sit around and allow people to "exploit." A bunch of us are always recording our gameplay and the server admins are usually around to take care of it when you get caught. If you can't handle the fact that you'll lose your gear in a "hardcore pvp" game. Then don't play the game. I don't even want to hear it either, because I've been nuked, and disconnected on only to have the guy come back in a new area and kill me because I couldn't cover a 360 degree view of the battlefield. Its an "exploit," and one that ruins the experience for people who like to PvP. We at Wolves of War, as a clan, as a gaming community. NEVER disconnect to avoid player vs player death. I'm just making it clear that if you're caught and we have a recording of it. You will be banned on our server, and if you make a stink about it, we will publicly trash on you as we post the video of you being a little coward who is afraid to die in a video game. QQ I am making this announcement being the owner of US 104. So that if people come on here after this in the future and complain. You'll know that we clearly warned people and they could of searched for a thread about this. As I have the title of the server in the thread and what the warning is about. I have no clue what the dev team is doing to stop it, but for some of us it ruins the experience of PvP and PvP is indeed the center of what makes DayZ enjoyable for the majority of us. We play on other servers too, but there is nothing we can do about it on other servers. Cowards are going to be cowards. If and when Rocket puts something in that combats this, we will then unban everyone. As the ban will then no longer hold any ground. Because it is then no longer an "exploit." There are plenty of other servers. "We" as a group just don't want to play with you, if we "allow" you to kill us, and you don't return the favor by showing that you can play the game without "exploiting." Then don't be surprised when you can't connect a day or two later, or sooner. We have about 10+ people that record video on the server. We only ban with evidence. So if you want to start crap over it. We'll shut you down pretty fast. Without evidence we don't act. So lucky is indeed lucky. Then Rocket @ http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=8029 said: Therefore.. it's acknowledged as being an exploit.. and they punish exploiters via bans. I don't see where the confusion comes in. It's only a ban on an individual server so it's not really even much of a punishment.. if they crashed and didn't DC most admins are willing to unban it and give you a second chance, but honestly unless you have a bunch of tents or vehicles on it not much care would even be given about being banned it'd just give the admin some sense of improving his community by reducing repeat offenders.
  15. ZeroGravitySE

    US 104 Bans For Disconnecting During Fights.

    Even though they won't blacklist for this. I think it funny people think Rocket will defend them when they get booted out of ONE server for something THEY DID WRONG. Sad part is, its proven through video. Not through logs. So you look like an idiot. Lets say they did blacklist the server. All they did was prove to the community that they don't care about making DayZ a better game for people who want to play the game to its fullest without "exploiting" or "cheating." Paving the road for more people to just abuse the game to the point of APB:Reloaded's path. Great game, but many cheats later. No one cares to play no more.
  16. ZeroGravitySE

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Disconnecting for any reason in a game where you should be shitting yourself around every turn is BS. Any excuse (crashed to desktop, and/or have to leave ASAP) is BS. Take it back old school rocket and make people pay. If you follow the EA/Blizzard carebear path, you'll lose all respect from some hardcore gamers that have been around for a long time, myself included. I know this because I've seen devs and gaming community's crumble over the past 20 years. Everyone thinks they know whats best, but the reality of it all is people are demanding change. DayZ is a good change. Keep it up, or lose it all. You'll always have your fanbase and you're always going to make money from here on out. But you should never divert from what makes DayZ good. That is indeed its unforgiving nature, that should continue to go in that direction. IF you derp, you lose.
  17. ZeroGravitySE

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    They need to add a 1min stuck in game. After DC. If you get screwed over because you play on wireless and lose connection or power goes out, or whatever. To bad. Bad luck is in fact, bad luck.
  18. Video Proof Shit went down, and I was the one saying "Someones hacking our server." Not having a clue wtf was up. Boom everyone dead. Couldn't stop it. /nextsubject Second Time, Was Impossible To Stop. It just happen out of nowhere no signs. /nextsubject WHY WOULD META, MY FRIEND, KILL ME?!?! /derp I'm done with thread, lol. You guys have at him.
  19. lol blow me, I didn't know anything. I was finding out from others players messaging me, you're talking a matter of seconds, and it takes time to log in remote desktop to shut the server down, and I didn't even know if it was going on, had to check logs first because arma 2 is a HORRIBLE game. Go ahead and play somewhere else, I'm not your slave and your attitude is horrible, when myself and clan members also died in that bullshit. If you want to cry to someone, cry to rocket, because he and his team has the power to give you your stuff back. Most server admins are volunteering their money & time you ungrateful dick.
  20. Doesn't matter what server you go to people get killed on ALL SERVERS. And people where getting killed last night on SOME of the servers.
  21. There is no admin abuse, lulz. "I" took the server down to "try" to save everyone before the nukes went off, but failed to take it down in time. I have to log into the remote desktop, so the nukes went off first before I was able. I got reports from players within wolvesofwar.org community and people that play on our server as regulars that there was a problem, possible hacker. "I" complained to the "higher ups" but they could care less. I barely got any responses on how to log such an event, and to report it. A couple good apples in there, but most of them are sitting on their throne caring less about one hack on a couple of servers. They'll just ban the person responsible, and move on. Like we should. I lost everything in that nuke. I wouldn't doubt if I was shortly behind the top 10 longest alive. So yeah, I really wanted to nuke myself. Metamorphosis is an administrator in WolvesofWar.org, very nice guy. We just installed BEC to help control the traffic more and kick idle lobbying.
  22. My boys and I got owned also. I tried to stop it before it got bad, but whoever "hacked" the server just cleaned house before I could react. Tried to talk to people higher up, but they don't really care. Guess we ALL have to start over.