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About Z91

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    On the Coast
  1. Thanks for the answers so far. I could probably spend up to 1,500, but would rather not spend that much if possible. It wouldn't really matter if it's a desktop or a laptop. I'd basically be getting it just top play a few games like Arma and DayZ.
  2. I've recently been watching more and more youtube footage of DayZ, and I want to be able to play it so bad. I don't have a gaming computer/laptop though :( It sucks to say but there is no way I'd be able to build one myself, as much as I'd like too.. Could you guys give me some prebuilt ideas? I want to be able to play this game and Arma 3 when it;s released at pretty good settings, and have the games still run really smooth. I'd really appreciate the help!