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About Yehlan

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    On the Coast
  1. Im looking to setup a very small private Day Z server for myself and a couple friends run from my computer. Ive googled this to death and everything I have found so far referene extremely old setups that other sites say dont work anymore. Ive never really setup a server before so I need something a little noob friendly as a guide to setting this up. The reason Im doing this incase someone wants to know is im trying to get a bunch of friends and family into Day Z and alot of them are losing interest fast because whenever they join a server it either lags really bad, gets hacked or other players have them dead before they even have a chance to see or experience anything. What im wanting to do is get them into a private server so they can get a feel for the game without all these problems so that when they feel comfortable we can goto the more public servers and they can feel like they have half a chance. So far ive downloaded Mysql and navicat as these programs seem to have been recomended as support for the server but I need help of making a server itself. Any help in this would be greatly appreciated so I can try to recruit even more people into the Day Z community.
  2. Ive been to the BSB site and cant find a server list to join.
  3. Just started playing Dayz a couple days ago and have been hacked on almost every server. Im finding the servers with recruit in there name to almost always have hackers (teleport to location and insta killed being the most common) but I have had better luck on the regular servers and veteran servers so far which im told are better to play on anyways due to no green dot tracking. I just conviced my GF, brother and cousin to start playing so were hunting for a decent server to play on. Considered renting my own server but that kind of takes out the random PVP aspect or random help a survivor scenario that I think makes the game more fun than just grabbing gear and killing zombies. Obvious private hives being more private gets tough for noobs who know nothing so theres that.