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Everything posted by Method454

  1. Player cap has been increased to 35
  2. Search "Echoes of Silence" on DayZCommander. We meet all of your criteria and we are just starting out (less than a week old)
  3. Server is being reset right now for 5:30 in the morning, right around sunrise. Come on in people!w
  4. The 20 player limit is for testing and we are aware that the time is messed up. It will be fixed in due time.
  5. PS It seems that the server says it's late at night on DayZCommander even though it's daytime.
  6. Uh, we still have 50s at this point. Just no thermal AS50s. We'll see how it goes for now. Anyway, we changed the day/night cycle a bit so maybe now we'll stop scaring everyone off.