I was taking my dog Zoi for a walk, letting my mind wander and I suddenly had an idea, what if you can add collar pouches onto the dogs in the upcoming update. That would be awesome. Here are some ideas for the specifications about it. -You could only find them in supermarkets ( just like bear traps only spawn in barns ), they would be a bit more common than the bear traps but still be a bit rare. -It would take up maybe two or three slots in your inventory. -It could hold 6 items ( food, drink, extra ammo, medical supplies, notes maybe? ) -Maybe you could place a GPS inside one of the slots which will allow you to give a command to send the dog off to some coordinates. -Maybe you could place a satchel charge inside one of the slots and use it as a dog suicide bomber which could kill groups of people and vehicles. -This isn't really related to this topic but maybe there could be mini Kevlar vests that can let the dog take less damage from shots. These are some of the ideas I had and just had to share. Post your opinion, every opinion counts, even if it's dissing my opinions and ideas, I don't care.