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About wildleaf

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  1. wildleaf

    The Most Valuable Asset: Knowledge

    You might have knowledge, but your character doesn't. An idea.. maybe medical knowledge could decrease the time to bandage/bloodbag, cooking could increase the amount of blood you get from animal meat, and mechanical could decrease the number of parts you need for a vehicle.
  2. wildleaf

    Class System

    I believe you failed to read his post.
  3. wildleaf

    Unconscious at spawn almost constantly

    This has happened to me twice after being killed by bandits.
  4. I came here for the nudity, and left disappointed. The idea of persistent character bodies seems cumbersome to me. That's all I really have to say about it.
  5. wildleaf

    Player Journals

    I'd really like to see this in game, but I don't think they should take up an inventory slot.
  6. wildleaf

    Incentive for survivor players.

    Um, I don't think it's worthwhile to implement things based on your personal vendettas. Spawning near your corpse would only increase griefing. When you spawn you are a new person, and shouldn't have any knowledge of what transpired in your previous character's life. Edit: Your incentive is to survive.. isn't that enough?
  7. wildleaf

    About Corpserunning

    From a Roleplaying perspective.. meta-gaming is one of the greatest sins, but it's unavoidable. Some people do it, and others don't.. it all depends on the person. Say you accidentally stumbled upon your corpse, didn't realize it was yours, and looted it. Should you be punished? I don't think you should be punished either way.. It's really a moral/meta-gaming issue that can't be solved. Edit: On an unrelated note.. I loved Big Hat Logan in DaS. Such a good game...
  8. wildleaf

    Minimum zombie spawn radius

    I don't know what it's set to, but I'm pretty sure zombies aren't supposed to be spawning right on top of you. It happens though, and that's unfortunate. Their spawn radius will probably be optimized in the future.
  9. wildleaf

    The Crossbow.

    (this is a repost from another crossbow thread - concerning SIGHTS) I use the crossbow all the time, and I still have no idea how to aim with it. I'm trying to be consistent with how I aim it, but it's rather hit or miss (really). The bolt always hits them in a seemingly random part of the body.
  10. Double bump! Good cheat detection is something we really need.
  11. wildleaf

    New Iron Sight for Crossbow

    I use the crossbow all the time, and I still have no idea how to aim with it. I'm trying to be consistent with how I aim it, but it's rather hit or miss (really). The bolt always hits them in a seemingly random part of the body.
  12. wildleaf

    Class System

    Trust me.. it happens.
  13. wildleaf

    Class System

  14. wildleaf

    Class System

    Rak and I.Ash both bring up good points. Maybe a loadout selector is really needed!