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About nn4e

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  1. http://www.silentspy...sion-generator/ Mission regeneration fix this issue
  2. nn4e

    Arena on Airfield

    5 hours of downtime did not help
  3. nn4e

    Arena on Airfield

    You can connect to global hive(login and pass is not a secret) and delete hacked objects from objects table. (game server must be off at this moment) I think it's illegal, but I dont know any other way. I already report about this problem to devs and they said that "Issue has been resolved". may be in 1.7.5 but not in https://github.com/R4Z0R49/DayZMod/issues/122
  4. nn4e

    Whitelist tool

    i use it on my own servers, so yes its little bit tested.
  5. nn4e

    DayZ Server - Linux_Debian - 1.7.3

    Wine is not emulator. Basicly its adapter from win api to linux and binary code is binary code and its running on same cpu not on monitor. offtop: I did not try to run server under wine, but try client. It worked, but it was hell.
  6. https://github.com/nn4e/LisGames-WhiteList-tool-for-Arma2-DayZ Our simple white list tool for Arma2/DayZ servers Features: -multiserver support -checking by guids -autoreload white list -opensource -php console script - can be run under windows/linux/any nix Installation: -Set up your server ip, port, rcon pass and kick message in config.cfg -add players guids in guids.txt each in new line -on nix install php5 with sockets and mb_string extantions Starting: under windows: run whitelist.bat under linux/unix: php wl.php or to run in background php wl.php >wl.log & no warranty, may be bugged.