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About Adrian_92

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  1. Adrian_92

    [Spec-Ops] Tired Of Going At It Alone?

    Didnt see what i had to put but here is a bit about me. My in game name is Age, I was in a group with 6+ players and they all recently stopped playing dayz epoch as much as they were before. In the group I was the sniper, I would always be on over watch while my other members were engaging a mission keeping a eye out for any player that would come near the mission and take them out. I am a sniper, not much close quarters combat savvy. My game play is tactical with constant communication while under distress. I am 21 looking for a group again since i am a lone wolf right now. I'd like to see how you guys work in game!
  2. Im interested in playing with a group of guys again, my old group recently stopped playing so ive been a lone wolf. I do way better in a group and i do play tactically and aggressive. I am 21 and I dont really like immature nonsense so I would like to play with your group and see how you guys work. I was usually over watch during all situations, a elite sniper, made sure no hostile players would engage with any of my other clan mates while they were engaging a mission.
  3. Adrian_92

    Need some buddies to play Dayz

    Lets get started ! Add on Skype Adrianasfuck
  4. Adrian_92

    Looking for some buddies

    Hey dude im also the same only been playing a week but know pretty much everything, tired playing alone as well. It would be cool to finally play with someone else ! Hit me up maybe we can arrange some time to play. Im not a dick, im from the west coast, 20yrs old, voice chat. Email me so we can get this going ! (adrianenc92@hotmail.com)
  5. Adrian_92

    Brothers Til Death - Recruiting

    I am down for this
  6. Adrian_92

    Brothers Til Death - Recruiting

    I am down for this
  7. Adrian_92

    looking for a partner to roam with

    Sounds good, I will be on tomorrow so we can get started !
  8. Adrian_92

    looking for a partner to roam with

    players please email me at adrianenc92@hotmail.com i get emails instantly sent to my phone so i will reply fast
  9. Adrian_92

    [Pain] Recruiting Active/Mature Players

    First Name: Adrian In-game name: Ex2x Age: 22 Country: US What time you are mostly on: afternoons and nights Why you are searching for a group/clan: tired of playing alone Skype: adrianasfuck Experience: just started but serious.
  10. im looking for some one to tag along with me while we roam and survive, someone to watch my back as will I, some one to help with blood transfusions, kill some zeds, find weapons, just survive, a team will be nice too !