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About ShadowOfAnAce

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  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Scotland, Highlands

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    "Learn to love, what you have been taught to fear."
  1. Hey guys, Just got myself a replacement laptop and need to redownload Day Z, however, the link is not working on this website.... When I click on it there is no response and no new windows appear. Any one got any ideas?! Also on a side note is the ARMA 2 website down too? Cheers, Shadow.
  2. ShadowOfAnAce

    What is going on?!

    Okay update, managed to get into a server, spawned just off the coast with a ghillie suit (which I did have) but no other gear, waaaaaaa?! No backpack or anything :S!
  3. ShadowOfAnAce

    What is going on?!

    Very unhappy at the minute, just logged into my account to find that my character has been completely reset, I spawned floating in the middle of the sea with no gear, not even a back pack?! Furthermore, even though I've been logging into servers that are showing as afternoon times, the screen is dark but I can see shadows.... To make it worse, some servers are kicking me for "hacking", I've never touched a hack and only started playing the game a couple of days ago... Bit confused and unhappy at the minute, spent a long time prepping my character since I got the game, grrrrr! Help much appreciated as always guys!
  4. ShadowOfAnAce


    Wicked, cheers dude! What is the next plan of action? Have you got a Skype user name I can have to get intouch with you?
  5. ShadowOfAnAce


    Age(Don't lie!): 21. Location: UK (Scotland). Do you have Skype?: Yes (hoodedray). Is your mic of a good quality?: As far as I'm aware, yes. Secret word 1: Crooked. Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Yes. Secret word 2: The. Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: Yes. Why do you want to join?: Getting fed up of running around on my own, also could do with gaining a bit more experience, but have a blast at the same time!
  6. ShadowOfAnAce

    Need some buddies to play Dayz

    Hey man, I know Bland is trying to rally up some players at the moment, get in touch with him here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/99938-looking-for-some-buddies/ Also add me on Skype if you like: hoodedray
  7. ShadowOfAnAce

    Brothers Til Death - Recruiting

    Hey Viles, just thought I'd post my interest in hopefully joining you guys. Fairly new player, know the ins and outs of the game though. Been watching YouTube videos for the last couple of months to get clued up before hitting up the MOD. Sent you a request on Skype to hopefully get more insight from yourself, would be great to learn from a bunch of experienced players but have a blast at the same time.... Cheers, Shadow.
  8. ShadowOfAnAce

    Recruiting Players

    In Game-Name: ShadowOfAnAce Age: 21 How long have you been playing Day Z: Only got my hands on the MOD yesterday, know the ins and outs of the game though, been watching youtube videos for months.. Do you know the basics of the game: Yes. Where are you from: Scotland Can you talk plain, good English: Yes. Are you willing to do anything to help a clan member in need: Yes, will lay down my life for them! Skype Username: hoodedray Added info: Although a newbie I am willing to follow rules and needs of other players, I can only learn from this I guess...
  9. ShadowOfAnAce

    Looking for some buddies

    In-Game Name: ShadowOfAnAce Age: 21 Skill Level: Newbie, only got my hands on the MOD yesterday. Country: Scotland. ​Favorite Server: Non specific. Favorite Day Z moment: Non as of yet. Questions about me, or anything you want to include: Not really dude, seem pretty chilled out. I fired a Skype invite your way... Preferred use of communication: Skype (hoodedray). Would be nice to get this rolling!
  10. ShadowOfAnAce

    Addon requires ca dubbing counterattack

    All is good, problem solved, just add to copy files from ARMA 2 into ARMA 2 OA. I've asked for a post to be pinned to the front page that helped me out alot. All is good now though. Thanks for the post though man. Post can be deleted, problem solved.
  11. Dude, just want to thank you for your post, been pulling my hair out for the last 5 hours, stumbled across this and fixed within minutes. MODs can we please have this pinned on the front page, is very helpful and seems alot of players are in the same boat that I was.
  12. Hey guys, been at this for hours now, trying to run DayZ with no luck. As the title suggests I am receiving this message when trying to run the game from Play withSix. I have installed both Arma 2 Free and Arma 2 OA. Both of which were not purchased from Steam. Any help would be much appreciated, this is starting to drive me crazy. Thanks in advance, Shadow.