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Everything posted by TheSexyGoat

  1. TheSexyGoat

    DayZ =MVP= Vexeon PvP

  2. TheSexyGoat

    Welcome to DayZ (A trailer for DayZ)

    That is SICK.
  3. TheSexyGoat

    Should you buy (ARMA 2) for Dayz?

    Well, it has a lot of bugs indeed, but I think rocket will slowly get rid of them and eventually DayZ is gonna turn into a bugless and 100% playable game.
  4. Also, not sure if that came with the patch, but all the cars got returned back to their original spawns, which kinda sucks.
  5. TheSexyGoat

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Is everyone really spawning at the debug zone?...
  6. Yeah, whatever you say. We're already working on the progress of moving servers, perhaps one with more mature people pretending to, hopefully, play it realistically as we're planning. If you have one and would like to share with us, feel free to. And also, I'd love to not get posts not referred to the thread's topic. Thank you for those who liked what we've done, for those who didn't, as Vipeax said - "suck it". And also, we all play on a serious roleplay server, that's probably where we took the idea of posting our work, because on that server, we can post whatever we want and no one is gonna metagame our locations or anything. Guess it didn't work on this game, unfortunately. Thanks anyways, eh? Now you hope you guys, from the staff/dev team, atleast liked the quality of our images, unfortunately you won't be getting more anytime soon. We've learned the lesson now.
  7. This thread has turned into a unneeded flame-war and a spam of idiotic gifs/memes, which makes me kinda sad, since I thought that more mature people would play this game, how unfortunate - again. Anyhow, I don't even know why would you guys even bother on spending your time. Thanks for the feedback, anyways! :D @edit: And also Vipeax, we all started playing this game one week ago, apart from a few that have been playing for a while. I doubt that you started playing on HARDCORE servers/veteran, whatever you wanna call it, give it a break and as a part of the staff team you should try to cease this pathetic attitude a few members have been giving to us. If you actually take what you do (if you call that a job) seriously. Actually, just read the old post, nevermind.
  8. You guys are more stupid than I thought, really...
  9. Well, is it not nice to show a big group of people dedicating full-time to the game and actually buying a server for our own clan? Common sence please. And you don't call us idiots, you don't know what we've been through so far, it wasn't like we've used most of the slots in the server for ourselves, and we're planning on raising the slots. The reason why we did not changed server was because we already had the cars, so before you even waste your time trying to make us look dumb/wrong you fucking ask. Posting screenshots/videos is how we fucking show how awesome the mod is, but seems like some kids can't hold themselves agaisnt their stubborn minds. How unfortunate. We don't fucking care about the tents, it was just a childish act of yours to be honest.
  10. Unfortunately meta-gaming is allowed, which shouldn't. We're trying to show our hard work in this thread and people take advantage of our screenshots to find our camp, which wouldn't be possible without the screenshots posted. Let's play fairly, shall we? We're doing our work, you guys are being selfish and not caring about our work and all you want is our stuff that we've worked for weeks to get. Smart enough, eh?
  11. I have been doing this for a day, it's really worth it.
  12. TheSexyGoat

    Spawning knocked out every time

    Getting this too, everytime I log on a server I get the time glass screen and it lasts for like three minutes. It's really annoying.