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Everything posted by TheSexyGoat

  1. TheSexyGoat

    Please, no "xxxx was killed" message.

    You just need to find a server where death messages are disabled, most of them don't have the death message, the one that says who killed who, but I think all the servers do have the option to globaly announce when someone dies.
  2. TheSexyGoat

    how to use melee weapons

    The only melee weapons you can get are: crowbar and hatched. They can either go to your tool-belt/bar or take up your primary weapon slot. In case they go to your tool-belt/bar right click on it and select 'remove from toolbelt' (something like that), make sure there's nothing occupying the primary weapon slot, if there is it's probably gonna glitch and disappear.
  3. TheSexyGoat

    Hello DayZ Taem

    Well, I don't know them, sorry. I know there's a funserver with helicopter, it's called BIGBO or something like that. But as far as I know they don't save anything that is done in-game.
  4. TheSexyGoat

    Hello DayZ Taem

    how did you find out? if they're not at it's spawn it's probably because someone already took it.
  5. TheSexyGoat

    Player Model Height? question

    As in? I mean, what is the purpose of knowing that..?
  6. TheSexyGoat

    Tons of Ammo, but no guns?

    Well, there's a feature to get rid of them - get a tin can/empty whiskey bottle/whatever and throw it and the infected should go check them out, then you go get your gun, but I've never found a zombie inside a fire station, which is one of the most common weapon-spawn places.
  7. TheSexyGoat

    Switching from hatchet to rifle help

    Double-click your backpack, put the rifle in the backpack and then take the hatchet, if you don't do that it's gonna glitch out and disappear.
  8. TheSexyGoat

    A more satisfying way to kill

    Tractors are good but they're kinda slow and they are a one-seat vehicle, which kinda sucks if you have a group to play with.
  9. TheSexyGoat

    Nub kill FTW

    Nice one, lol. You're lucky, I guess.
  10. TheSexyGoat

    Freeside trading co.

    Just let them do their thing, they're not bothering you I think..
  11. TheSexyGoat

    Server where clans have territory

    I don't see why people wants to transform this on CS:S or something, let's just play realistic, have wars? Yeah, but not purposely, like schedule wars and stuff.. I think that's just stupid, I'm sorry...
  12. TheSexyGoat

    Your garages:

    nigga cant believe u fucked da whip up....
  13. TheSexyGoat

    Got dem bloodz and ned help pls

    I'd recommend finding an animal, I wouldn't trust anyone without side chat.
  14. TheSexyGoat

    After a few days,got some questions.

    You're welcome bro, feel free to post more if you have any.
  15. TheSexyGoat

    AK74 vs AKS-74U?

    The AKS-74u is pretty much a 'mini version' of the AK-74 and that's about it.
  16. TheSexyGoat

    chat issues with some severs

    They are getting removed. Global chats.
  17. TheSexyGoat

    After a few days,got some questions.

    Actually, there is a bug where they occasionally don't show up after a server restart. If this happens to you, odds are that the tent will be there again after the server has been restarted. This has happened to me many times, but always the tent was back again after the restart. True that, my bad. That just happened to me. The servers with automatic restart system sometimes bugs, your tents glitches and they disappear, but they should be back after another restart I guess.
  18. TheSexyGoat

    Hello DayZ Taem

    Not sure, maybe US 1-10, not really sure.
  19. TheSexyGoat

    Spawning In woods and hills.

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=13497 ^ Try that.
  20. TheSexyGoat

    Hello DayZ Taem

    I think only old servers can have helicopters, if that's what you mean...
  21. TheSexyGoat

    Tips for sneaking past zeds?

    Prone gives you one 'ear-bar'. I wouldn't recommend crawling next to zombies either, they will aggro you anyways. Just be sneaky.
  22. TheSexyGoat

    Throw bottles to distract zombies

    Throwing objects already distracts zombies, sometimes. It's kinda buggy I think, since it was a feature launched in the last update.
  23. TheSexyGoat

    Eliminate M107 and AS50

    Abrams you mean. And.. why does that make sense when we're talking about snipers that you have 0,01 per cent of chance to get and tanks? Wow.. I won't even waste my time. Whatever you say.