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Godsmack (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Godsmack (DayZ)

  1. x5twnl.png

    My name is Ted, I am the 1st Class Major of the Woodlands Order.

    I seem to be having problems with the people in my clan, either they don't know anything about the game (even though they picked level 9), or just don't listen to instructions.

    That's why I'm here. I am recruiting players who are actually experienced within the game. This is basically a recruitment for our clan, but only for people who are experienced. You will be put under me.

    1- 10 DayZ Experience

    10 - Skilled, Experienced Veteran

    9 - Experienced veteran

    8 - Longtime Veteran


    6 - Experienced

    5 - Knowledgeable

    4 - Barebones Basic

    3 - Still learning

    2 - First Week

    1 - New

    Application Format:






    Steam Name:

    Experience: (7-10 see chart)

    Game Style: (Sniper, scout, infantry, ect)

  2. I once ran into the Firestation in cherno, I found an M14 with no magazines up stairs. I just picked it up because i had taken 4 DMR mags I had found earlier, originally to give to my mate. At this point, being on the top floor, 3 heavily armed players were running down the road straight at me. Popped all three and I was fully loaded. Only to go back into the firestation to be killed by a noob with a Winchester :'(

    i'd know when to quit DayZ, hahaha

  3. I can't share the joy I am afraid. After playing for about 20hrs as newbie and visiting atleast 6 fire stations (even the one at NE airfield) I haven't found a single decent gun, or any gun at all for that matter. Just some random ammo most times. Have been playing fairly low populated servers so definitely unlucky on the drops it seems.

    Reading these stories does keep my hopes up though:)

    be patient :3

  4. Just recently I joined a server, I had never been on it before; However, I spawned in Chernogorsk. I sped through quickly and reached the fire station after going through bleeding atleast 500 times, and took a deep breath. Though zombies were chasing me inside, I ignored them as always.

    I enter the first set of stairs, and I turn around to the floor because I noticed something "tan" in the corner of my eye. An M24?! I was excited, because it was amazing to finally see a sniper in the fire station, and not only is it a sniper, it's rare.

    I went up the next set of stairs to notice a nice little M16A2 with two mags (forgot to mention, the M24 had three)!

    Also, I while back ago I had found an M4A3 as I was running up the steps. I came.

    Tell me your stories about the beloved Fire stations of Elektro, Cherno, and the NWA.
