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Everything posted by digger4400

  1. digger4400

    [FTC] Trade and Supply - [T] Standalone Shop Open! 100% satisfaction!

    okay then PM me and we can work something out perhaps trade me another silenced wep and a few mags to go with it and I'll give the mp5
  2. digger4400

    [FTC] Trade and Supply - [T] Standalone Shop Open! 100% satisfaction!

    Currently in need of: 1x AntibioticsMP5SD Mags1x Compass Currently willing to trade: 1x camping tent10x DMR Mags (found a chopper crash)2x Frag Grenades
  3. [RCOH] Rosellian Coalition of Heroes Requirements: Steam/Skype TeamSpeak 3 Mature Active (play at least once every two days) Co-operative Trust worthy Optional(but will help you a good bit): Hero skin Highly Active Who are we? We're a (currently) small group of heroes who play DayZ vanilla Public hive. We are quite friendly and enjoy a nice chat to pass the time. Application: Copy paste the following and fill it out. Upon completion post here and for a faster response you can also E-mail it it me (digger4400@yahoo.com) --------[RCOH] Membership Application-------- Preferred name: Steam/Skype account: TeamSpeak Nickname: Humanity level: Normal Hours of Play: Time Zone: Weapon of Choice: --------------------------------------------------------
  4. digger4400

    [FTC] Trade and Supply - [T] Standalone Shop Open! 100% satisfaction!

    okay how would you like to contact to set this up? skype steam or teamspeak?
  5. I play this way as well kinda. I tend to horde a good bit and I like building a small group to play with but dayZ is what you make of it, so make it interesting I say. It's an entire world not an elktro free for all deathmatch. Also only one murder... ever it was a bandit trying to kill me.
  6. digger4400

    [FTC] Trade and Supply - [T] Standalone Shop Open! 100% satisfaction!

    6??? Sorry we have spares but we wouldn't be able to afford that we have a total of 4 perhaps 1 gun for 3?
  7. digger4400

    [FTC] Trade and Supply - [T] Standalone Shop Open! 100% satisfaction!

    We've got some antibiotics we recently came across. How many would you want for... 2 of these weapons.
  8. digger4400

    Looking for 1-2 players to play with [13+]

    Say I run a small group of heroes looking for more members. I host a TS for us and my friends if you're interested add me on steam (digger4400) or e-mail me (digger4400@yahoo.com) Email might reach me faster All we ask is that be mature respectful and listen when we ask you to do something (this has been an issue in my past so just think it's nice to mention. Not being a a** but if I ask you to do something like take cover you don't run ahead and get us zombie swarmed)
  9. digger4400

    [FTC] Trade and Supply - [T] Standalone Shop Open! 100% satisfaction!

    Price for M4A3 CCO SD? My group is looking to buy a few. (Fastest way to get me is E-mail: digger4400@yahoo.com it'll ding on my phone)
  10. digger4400

    Assassin's Little Shop Of Horrors (Anti-Biotics store)

    We have a few cat wires and tank traps I'll have to check my other camp that I have them at but how much for 1 coyote backpack full?
  11. digger4400

    Trading Ghillie Suit for E-tool

    I have recently came across a few ammo boxes of the stuff how many stanag SD mags do you want in return for 3 gillies?
  12. digger4400

    Trained Sniper looking to watch some trades. (Also a pilot)

    Do what is your opinion on killing players? (Help, avoid, hunt)? Are you okay with running with a group that doesn't have a chopper YET but is planning on some serious trading soon. Do you have steam, or skype? Do you have TeamSpeak 3? Are you opposed to helping train more snipers for a group?
  13. Say my good man would you happen to have a toolbox? I found two makarov SD mags earlier this day so I would be interested in a toolbox and a czech backpack. Does this sound fair to you? If so please contact me via steam (digger4400).
  14. So me and a few friends were playing on us 4453 and then the server went down for it's normal maintenance but it hasn't came back online for several hours now it went down at 2 PM EST and it's currently 5:22 PM as I post this. Is there anyway I can get in to force restart the server or a way of someone else that has read this to be able to help us out. We're a bit stressed as we where fueling a chopper up when the server went dark. Thanks for reading and hopefully helping, digger4400
  15. digger4400

    Server down for 3 1/2 hours

    any idea how to find out how to do do that?
  16. You where kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Admin Ban (DAH 16.04.2013 15:30 (Ban[publicVariable Val violation]))) So I've been playing on US1252 for some time now somewhat of a regular since I recently found a tractor and 2 ATVs and am in the process of repairing them. I have some of the vehicles already fully repaired and from what I understand this is an admin ban. (After a few minutes of googling and the fact that I can enter other servers with out this issue) Is there a way to get myself unbanned from this server as I have several hours worth of loot and vehicle repair put into that server or am I SOL and have to find a new server? Or am I misunderstanding the entire situation (if so then please by all means let me know what this does mean) I have not hacked nor have I ever hacked therefor I know of no valid reason for this ban. Is it perhaps the two ATVs that I found are both in the same place and both fresh spawns and so the server somehow thinks that I hacked them in?
  17. digger4400

    Looking for Partner(s)

    Good for you looking for similarly minded people ATM add me on skype/steam (prefferably skype) @ digger4400
  18. digger4400

    Wanna play dayz?

    Sure I'll group up with you add me on Skype Digger400 (Roselle Sollette)