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About zombdrac

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    On the Coast
  1. Integrating that kind of psychological element into the game wouldn't work, and would at best be cheesy. The physical health of the character, his needs for food, water, heat, these are inescapable biological necessities that are both realistic and within game confines. What I mean by game confines is that, though realism is an aim of this video game, it is, at the end of the day, a game. It's a technologically advanced form of chess, with rules to enhance the experience; ultimately, however, the psychology of the character, avatar, (whatever you want to call it), must be the psychology of the person controlling it. Once you begin taking the mind game away from the players and instituting a game limitation to it, then an integral piece of the game is lost. Now, there are instances of games that use this psychological 'hinge' as a game mechanic. Eternal Darkness and Amnesia come to mind. But in the case of these two games, there is no competition between players, it is a man/woman versus the enviroment (a scary house, malevolent forces, etc) it's easier to integrate those elements into a game of that type. But even then, the experience must be limited to the scripted experience that the developers want you to have. It's a haunted house on their terms. For a game like Day Z, an open world of competitive play, it will not work.
  2. zombdrac

    Where can I find clothing?

    I found both a ghillie and a camo in the apartments around the main square of Cherno. Literally found them within 15 minutes of each other. Maybe I was just lucky, but they're not as rare as some think.
  3. Today, on the radio, a man, let's call him "jim", was broadcasting his position: "Help, my legs are broken, my blood is low, can someone please help me?" He proceeded to broadcast his position on global. I winced at his naivety. Two minutes later, he comes back on global. He's thanking a man that he sees coming down the beach from him: "Thank you, I have blood bags in my backpack, feel free to take one for yourself, I appreciate the help." I smile, chancing on a hope that this Good Samaritan is just that. 30 seconds later... "jim" is dead, the news relay says. Everyone who was rooting for him voices their indignation and displeasure that someone would do this. The chatbox is abuzz. But the faceless murderer slinks off back into the forests without a word.