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Everything posted by BioHazardz

  1. SFTL is a newly starting clan with 2 people in it so far, we use team speak to communicate so if you don't have teamspeak we wont take you unless you do, communication is key in this game. if you don't have teamspeak we strongly suggest you install it and are teamspeak server (not owned, we use) is -> ts3.einlanzers.com OR sandwiches.teamspeak3.com <- we use those two servers and we are manly in sandwich teamspeak because less lag. there will be a sub chat called "DayZ" in there is were you will join in to talk we want mature, semi experiences players over the age of 17+, doesn't matter of race or country, as long as you are mature and can speak good english (dont need to be perfect) your good to join in on the fun. Clan The clan most focus is staying alive, so that includes being bandits. we are not the friendly type and don't plan on it. if your alive you wont be long.. we also work together in gather Guns, Food, Vehicles and so forth. We share between us and the only thing you call your own is your gun. if another player needs something, give, simple as that, no need to be a gready asshole who takes loot for themselves that they don't have a use for. Rules 1. No Rules but respect your teamates, if you have a problem with another clan member report it to me and ill try my best to resolve the issue. 2. Dont be a little bitch. pull the trigger Hope you all reading will like to join us. as were only recruiting 6 guys to join the fight. ​Good luck and happy hunting survivors! APPLICATION TEMPLATE Days played: Experience level (1-10): Old teams: Teamspeak?: Age: Name: Location: Timezone:
  2. Sure thing brother. join up. Teamspeaks different now sandwich.teamspeak3.com
  3. Join into the teamspeak. talking with my good friend in there now
  4. Join in the teamspeak, in there right now.
  5. Sure thing, aslong as you are a mature player and get along with others and agree to the clans ways. join the teamspeak chat
  6. Download teamspeak and join the talk, we can work things out im sure. aslong as your mature.
  7. Name: Victor In-Game Name: Biohazardz Age: 18 Nationality: Italian/Candian Playstyle: Stealthy/Semi bandit(only kill when needed) Avg Playtime per day: 3pm-10pm or weekend 11am-3am ;)
  8. BioHazardz


    Age (Don't lie!): 18 Location: Ontario Canada Do you have skype?: Yes, will be given when asked. Is your mic of a good quality?: Yes very, Turtle beach PX31's Secret word 1: Crooked Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Yes i do. Secret word 2: The Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: Yes, its about time ive found a clan who sees the game and rules as i do. Why do you want to join?: i like playing DayZ but im always playing alone and tired of being hunted down by bandits ECT. and ive bee looking for a clan for a bit now and finally came across this clan and like the rules and the way they play the game :) hope you accept me