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Everything posted by Haiiro

  1. Haiiro

    Remove Centralized system

    It's possible to have the persistency be on a server to server basis though. You'd simply have to play on one server all the time. That said, a system like that offers the dev very little control and pretty much opens the entire mod up for hacks and exploits. So no thanks, if you don't want to be annoyed then don't play the alpha version...
  2. No, they won't have to eat similar amounts. If you're offline for 4 weeks you'll still only have to eat once when you login to be fully fed...
  3. No you wouldn't... You'd have to eat and drink when you log back in, maybe do some other stuff depending on how it would be implemented and expanded upon. Does it force you to be online 24/7 ? No, at best you'd have to alter your route when you login to go look for some supplies a bit sooner then you thought. Also, casual gamers are not the core demographic of this mod at all. Saying that we should cater to their needs is like saying all the zombies should be replaced by pretty little flower men who merely want to hug you and replacing the guns by rainbow machines because one day one or two kids might play this game. If you're a casual gamer then that's fine, you have all rights to be one but then stick to casual games and don't expect a mod of a realistic war sim game that tries to bring a realistic zombie apocalypse survival experience to hold your hand and walk you through the game on easy mode.
  4. Haiiro

    What if it wasn't getting any longer?

    I believe the dev wants to keep it challenging and perhaps even make it a bit more difficult. That is what makes it entertaining for me, there wouldn't be much of a point to the game if it was easy as hell. You learn to survive longer the more you play anyway... Unless just shoot anything that moves like some COD player on speed drawn in by the fact that this game has zombies.
  5. Haiiro

    Keeping things on death...

    Hmm, it doesn't quite fit into the perma-death idea this mod is based around. Once your character dies, it's gone. No stats, no items, no nothing... Once you respawn, that character is is someone completely different without any notion of or links to your previous character. I can see how having skins unlocked on or having stats linked to a global account would perhaps be a nice thing, but for me it doesn't really have a place within this mod.
  6. Haiiro

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Looking good so far, any plans for new features in this build or is it gonna be bugfix only? :)
  7. Haiiro

    The "Lazy Owner" Issue

    An auto-updater would have to update a couple of servers every 10 minutes or so though, that way people can slowly make there way in and the strain on the database server wouldn't be too high. Otherwise you'd have thousands of people logging in at the same time, which doesn't really seem all that optimal xD
  8. Because it isn't a supported feature, I said it gave a sense of realisme (a hint towards a persistent world), never said it was perfect. If it was a fully fledged feature then you indeed wouldn't spawn in the same place as you logged out and there could've been random events like being killed by bandits, starving because you didn't find food, whatever... And yeah the character isn't there, that doesn't mean things can't be simulated though. Also, I know very well it isn't supposed to actually be there and that it'll be removed, does that mean I'm not allowed to like it? You do the balancing? I'd love to see you balance out the game if someone added randomly teleporting ducks of doom or something ridiculous like that... Players can play with the tools the devs give them, sure we can band together to get rid of a couple of bandits or something and balance the gameplay in ways like that but the balancing of the tools and features is done by the devs. We're allowed to play in their sandbox with the tools they provide us and obey the, albeit limited, rules they give us but that's it...
  9. God, this has fuck all to do with Rocket's vision for me... the man can talk about adding pink ponies for all I care. I liked the feature wether it is consider broken or not. Realism, of course it adds realism. The world itself is a persistent one (resets aside), time progresses in real time and the world goes on even if you're not logged in. The fact that you don't simply vanish from this world even if you log out and that your character went hungry and thirsty during the time you weren't playing makes perfect sense to me. What the hell are you even on about?
  10. Haiiro

    The "Lazy Owner" Issue

    Option 3, while helpful is practically impossible... Servers cost a TON of money, 'specially windows ones :/
  11. Haiiro

    How do I go into 3rd person view?

    1) check your keybindings (generally it's enter on the numpad) 2) depends on the item but generally just be near it, look at it and press G to open your inventory or enter if it gives you the option. 3) use the scroll wheel to select weapons or the number keys 4) make sure you're in the right channel, check your key bindings to see how to switch between those. Hope that helped :) Perhaps play the ArmA 2 bootcamp, a lot of stuff is explained there too.
  12. Tamagotchi - the zombie apocalypse :D ... and you better fricking love it. The game is real time, day and night cycle is, hunger and thirst drain is,... get used to it 'cause this is how games should be. You don't simply pause a sandbox. This ain't some weaksauce combination of Left4Dead and Call Of Duty...
  13. I suggest the OP take a look at EVE:Online ... that has 'safe' zones, traders, leveling. Does that make it any less of a sandbox game? Hell no it doesn't. It only has to be well implemented. 'safe' zones could be player created, allow the players to put down some barbed wire, tents and sandbag and voila a nice little encampment. In a zombie apocalypse would you just run around from city to city all day, no decent place to stay, just strolling around like a retard taking only what you could carry and never store it anywhere. No, you'd find a place in the woods where it's relatively safe, build something up where you can store your stuff and rest in between scavenging hunts. Maybe even band together with other survivors and grow your camp as you go along. traders could be at certain spots, not equipped with standard items but equipped with what other players found and traded with them or with what they created. It could even be just a sort of trade zone. It would be a hell of a lot more immersive than spamming global chat like some godlike entity that can talk to anyone every time you needed some bandages. And it would make perfect sense too, economy doesn't simply die out because there are zombies, people always have and always will trade stuff and set up certain 'marketplaces', for lack of a better word. On leveling, without it you simply assume the second a zombie apocalypse breaks out everyone suddenly turns into a survival ex-military expert. If an apocalypse happened right now I wouldn't have the faintest clue how to skin an animal or how to shoot and maintain a rifle. I wouldn't be able to run for miles like a trained athlete... I'm a programmer irl for crying out loud, the most exercise I get is running from my chair to the fridge and back ( xD ) I'd get a whole lot better at these things the more I did them though. What I'm basically trying to say is, don't be so close minded. Some suggestions aren't bad, they just have to be tackled with the right mindset to fit within a mod like this.
  14. I never quite got into ArmA 2 either, played 2 hours and got bored. I hoped Operation Arrowhead would change my opinion but it didn't, same scenario, played for 2 hours and I got bored. Never really got a change to try proper multiplayer because my clan was never interested in it. I have however sunk countless hours into DayZ already and loved every minute of it. I even got most of my clan to play it too so I'd say certainly give it a shot. The mod just plays and feels completely different to me, if you're looking to buy it though I think steam might have a better deal. I bought ArmA 2:CO (original and OA in one pack)for one of my friends for 25 euros ($30 ?)
  15. There shouldn't really be a 'penalty' for being a bandit, there simply has to be a difference between bandits and survivors. A merely cosmetic difference however doesn't really affect anything. Yes, you can identify a bandit but you really shouldn't be able to... It doesn't really make sense for a bandit to have a different outfit, if anything a bandit will try to blend in. However in the future there could perhaps be certain features that are unique to bandits and survivors... perhaps certain (safe?)zones that each has access to with some npc's, something like that could work. Just certain benefits to each 'class'
  16. I bought both games but never really played them because I couldn't really replicate the multiplayer experience I was looking for without joining a different clan. Once DayZ got covered on PCGamer I was able to get most of my clan members to buy ArmA 2: CO because they were really interested in the mod. We might be able to transition into the normal game too if we recruit some more people :)
  17. Haiiro


    Not really, I've teamed up with plenty of people in a chance to survive without anyone trying to shoot eachother. Yeah, there's a ton of bandits but I don't see the issue with that... find a couple of like-minded people and take them out. It's a sandbox game, play it as such.