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Everything posted by frainy88

  1. you guys will now be able to join my server again but im not sure about others i removed you all from the ban list.
  2. Yo guys i am the admin of this server and i am now recieving this same error message after trying to add a new heli spawn to the server so we could have more than 1 heli i kno this isnt against the rules so i dont understand wtf is going on here and im currently having problems cuztomizing my database as it seemd to differ from everyone elses i am sorry to hear that this happened to you calzuu as i noticed you wer a regular player on the server and i am am wondering if this has not just happened to you as my server seems to be pretty much dead.
  3. Would appreciate a little help from a private hive server admin prefably using HeidiSQL, I have my own server which i have purchased from xstreamgaming.net i have set up all the basic stuff i just dnt kno which way to go about changing the max vehicles adding removing vehicles and banning certain weapons etc i have read various things on forums but my databse seems to differ slightly to everyone elses i dnt kno weather this is down to my hosting company or the programme i am using. For example i see no p.main file and i from what i read this gets mentiond quite a lot,that and a few other things that are making it difficult fr me as i am pretty new to this stuff. Ck!
  4. Hi, I am CocaineKid clan leader of UKT and below is my Private Hive Server Information; UKT GimmeTheLoot! Soon To Have 4 Choppers 40 Vehicles (v1.7.2.6/Beta 96584/85) [3DP:ON|CH:OFF][GMT-6] hosted by XstreamGaming IP Adress: I am currently looking to recruit mature and experianced day z players to form a squad that is of a fair size and capable of battling other groups on my server, The past few weeks i have been struggling to get my team together as they dont have much time atm due to University and work. I am looking for around 3-4 players preferably over 18 and from the UK but i am open to any intrest. MUST HAVE MUMBLE AND MICROPHONE ! I have my own mumble server which we use to communicate and i require all of my team to use this programme and obviously have a mic :) communication is key ! I will be fully customizing the server including Adding/Removing Some Weapons/vehicles For Ex. Removing: Thermal AS50 Adding: Golden Revolver Adding: Police Cars I will evtually get round to this when i have sufficient time of work, If you are intrested in joining us please fill out the below template and leave a reply....look forward to playing with you ! :) Name: In-Game Name: Age: Nationality: Playstyle: Avg Playtime per day:
  5. Add me On steam guys, Username: Cocainekid.uk