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Everything posted by street

  1. Good day fellow DayZ players.... I am aware what the content of my post I am about to cover has already been mentioned on more then one basis. Meaning behind it is with a number of community responses of the same topic would lead to change for the better and what players probably want. Please if possible avoiding flaming, trolling or unconstructive input lets just keep this clean and tidy. 1• I am an incredibly shallow human being and will be the first to admit it lol... but a variety of lootable suits would add just that extra flair to the game keeping players happy, catering to their individual taste. I find myself getting incredibly bored of the survival start up suit as well as the camo suit. I have Ghillie suit to switch between game plays when it comes to pvp'ing or mixing it up with few survivors. But its just lacking for me without that variety of cosmetic wear change. 2• The Humanity system is just flawed and isnt working at all... There has to be a system where players have the option to choose their role. Instead of a gender selection there should be a role selection. SURVIVOR or BANDIT, I have read that alot of players are objective to this motion due to the fact it will destroy the realism of the game when it comes to player trust. I sadly disgree on every level of this. By choosing the role of whome you choose to be the trust issue is actually far more in question, if I find myself playing as a bandit and I encounter another bandit I am for one certainly gonna shoot first and not ask questions later. playing the role of a bandit makes it far more difficult for you to trust any other bandit unless its a friend of yours that you know on a personal level. Some would say in question "but players would choose survivor just to shoot you in the back then" which is exactly that does that mean you can trust a fellow survivor then? It will keep on constant alert and if a survivor was to nail you from behind he/she will immediately be turned into the role of a bandit. Just because of the humanity system so flawed I find myself in a flame and troll fest with players claiming the only reason they look like a bandit was out of self defense then rather of it being a choice. It will still hold a true element of trust in this game without a doubt and just avoid a lot of players raging and cursing ingame, forums and over teamspeak. 3• Zombies aka Zeds aka Walkers are nothing more then an annoyance then anything else. I got Arma 2 to play DayZ cause I loved the fact it was a survival horror finally attracting my luster of gameplay, but it has been anything but that. I am finding DayZ more of another immersive platform of Death Matching then an actual survivor horror game. There is far to many KoS in the game then there is groups of people working as a cohesive unit to survive. Every1 is trying to come up with relative solutions to this matter, because players aren't valueing their lives its all about PvP hunting. The real solution to amend this problem is this, Zombies need to be deadly an encounter with a zombie needs to be death. With all your cliche movies and books one thing every zombie movie, novel, comic book and stories is that an encounter with a zombie is immediately death. One scratch, one bite and one slight dna transaction from a zombie to you is a result in death. DayZ needs to somehow make zombie survival in this game truly that. One hit from a zombie or 2 should lead to death immediately considering there is no infection system in dayz. by doing this players would gather and work as a cohesive unit in looting towns and taking unwanted risks valueing their lives alot more then what it is now. If I die in DayZ (which is result of a player never a zombie) I am not phased by the matter I know I can run past zombies into a city or town and loot up as quickly as possible to venture my way back where I left off hunting fellow pvp'ers. The game to me just feel another excuse of a pvp situation and no hint of PvE survival at all. its just evolved players not really working as a team cause they dont need too unless its again towards pvp'ers. Zombies need to be the real highest threat in the game then fellow players, so far players are the only threat in 99.9% of the time in all situations. 4• Debug menu has to go if we want this to be a true real simulator of survival you shouldnt be able to see exactly how much blood you have. You also shouldnt be able to see how many dead/alive zombies in the spawned area. its giving away players where someone is hiding in a town those who are on the hunt only for players traveling in a helicopter or car will immedately see a town with spawned zombies considering traveling faster on foot doesnt spawn zombies in towns unless u hang about for a minute. This is also a massive problem for bambi's who are on the hunt from idiots with a thirst for blood who will kill any1 and every1 just because they bored. its causing alot of problems and I am seeing this happen to alot of players loosing out who have day jobs then those of kids who have nothing else to do during their day except play DayZ looting up all day and fixing any form of transportation. the players spend more time avoiding lil kids with blood thirst for players of any kind they just log off after an hour or 2 not being able to get anywhere in the game and spending it avoiding idiots who get their jollies off killing bambi's then that killing players well kitted out. Debug menu is a clear give away to other players and its somethig that should be looked at or completely removed. anyways fellow DayZ comrades if any offence was taken from this post I do apologize before hand and hope this tiny eye opener on ways of improving this tremendous game to be a true survival horror to its best. farewell....
  2. street

    DayZ siginicant change....

    thats why i said what i said in the beginning of the body of my post. ;) if it frustrated u or angered u i do apologize but i gave warning before the actual post and u were more then happy to continue reading it or ignore it and disregard it completely... anyways moving on i get a sense of feeling alot of ppl are nothing but bitter and hostil and some1 immediately judged why? because he posted a topic that has been repeatedly discussed. i gave my meaning to why i am retackling these suggestions made by previous ppl.. the more word of mouth from the players the more likely chance of see these suggestions implemented into the mod. this a great game and i do love it such a pity ppl get bashed and battered by strictly a mere suggestion and solution just makes every1 look uncivilized and sleep deprived. DayZ team keep up the good work and looking forward to the stand alone game anyways not in here to flame war with certain individuals.. peace out see you in game... :)
  3. street

    DayZ siginicant change....

    I have made my suggestions and possible solutions also relating to hundreds of hours and playing with many ppl and different servers. what you believe and what i believe is obviously 2 different things neither of them are wrong or right but still doesnt change the fact is ppl would like the option. offence or not maybe better choice of words would lead to a better understanding to your posts so that way they wont be misinterepted as a negative remark :) all is good and well... Vice versa kiddo ;) your responses have been nothing but negative and hugely direct u offered nothing constructive or valid and the only answer to any solution was ur referal to the standalone version not taking into account that the game isnt even currently played yet by the ppl... instead of immitating a Simon Cowell version on the forum why dont u be more helpful towards others and offer a direction of valid information or input instead of insulting them cause of open suggestions.. be more postive instead of negative and maybe a post wont turn into a flame war.
  4. street

    DayZ siginicant change....

    From what i gather from the community no1 is referring to the standalone as DayZ its still considered Standalone til that times when the game is released... no1 is playing the standalone game so yet its not relevant to be referred to as DayZ. Your entitled to ur opinion but the fact remains the system is flawed and many ppl would prefer the choice of survivor or bandit at this point in time to prevent some issues concerning players. but hey if u had done ur research and read the same forums from what i am seeing here you would know this.. I guess once a flamer always a flamer. doesnt change the fact other players still use debug, the fact u dont use it is strictly a personal preference. and for it not being a straight up choice i believe is where your wrong. many players are killing players just strictly on the basis they want to be a bandit. I know i have done so myself. i am not sure what dynamics u are talking about there is 2 kinds of players ppl who want to work as a group or players who want to kill for the sake of killing. I thought this game was that of PvP and PvE and so far its been nothing more then PvP. anyways this post was for nothing but a constructive debate and soluctions and the only thing i have seen is personal perspective taste in the game in the responses not to mention a guy completely retaliating in his posts due to a lack of a social life and with selective reading constaly referring to the standalone game, a game that hasnt even been released yet.
  5. street

    DayZ siginicant change....

    number 2 makes alot of sense I think its you that clearly isnt understanding the concept at all, besides if ur a survivor and team kill a fellow survivor it immediately turns u into a bandit the humanity system isnt working at all.... And regarding the research I aint interested in the stand alone game my concerns are regarding the mod at this current time being. please get ur facts straight... this is for the mod not the standalone. if you had read it carefully u would of grasp this concept.