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About kaffaljidhma

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Um, is it on purpose that I can't put hatchets in backpacks or tents or loot piles?
  2. kaffaljidhma

    Shaun of the Dead style stealth

    DayZ AI is being built from the ground up based on the engine. None of the preprogrammed ARMA 2 AI is useful in DayZ anyway: enemies don't take cover from incoming fire, don't march in formation, don't pincer flank known positions, don't drop to the ground when they hear a shot, and don't look around every once in a while at their flank (they used to). Might as well not commit to a mechanic that lends itself to cheesy exploitative gameplay before it gets so embedded in the mod that you can't take it in another direction.
  3. kaffaljidhma

    Do people even crawl?

    with the advent of building zombies and radioactive reloading, you're going to have to shoot a zombie somewhere down the line. Why not pre-empt that by having a town meeting that you duck out of through a house?
  4. And it wasn't the optimal method of dealing with zombies until now.
  5. stop crouching and start training zombies to places where you can easily lose them. Presto, the town is cleared, and bonus if you can get them into a building, cause they'll never leave.
  6. kaffaljidhma


    Just only go to towns with barns and 2 entrance houses and lead zombies into there, crawl through the house, then take a sharp turn once you reach the other entrance. The zombies will clog up the entrance and they'll never leave the house or bother you again as long as you don't go back.
  7. kaffaljidhma

    Zombies in buildings

    I came across a zombie stuck in a closed outhouse today. I let him do his business.
  8. Does reloading make you extra visible for anyone else
  9. Make it so zombies won't sound aggro from walking, and as long as you're completely still in any position they won't notice you. If you perform any human movements while they've got eyes on, they bum rush you. If you cough, reload, munch, or make any other human sounds while near them, they'll rush you. I got this idea from the fact that reloading makes you super extra visible as a human survivor.
  10. Guys, do any of you have a problem where you become super extra visible when you're reloading?
  11. Hey guys, press reload and watch your sight meter while prone on grass. Tell me what happens.