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About rata487

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  1. rata487

    DayZ PussyPatrol - new UK Server

    Okay sounds good! :rolleyes:EDIT: I was already on but i will be on later again.
  2. rata487

    DayZ PussyPatrol - new UK Server

    Pussypatrol lol xD. But i'll try to join then good luck with your server! ;)
  3. There is an good live stream at 11:30 for people from L.A. For people from uk the livestream is at 20:30 thanks for your attention. This is the livestream :http://nl.twitch.tv/ninjamonkeysd/b/337609641 I do not have any credits for it i think it's just a good livestream i mean he actually makes the livestream because he likes the game and need money he will explain it to you lol but he do not want money only i do not now him so...:).
  4. rata487

    Why don't more players play like this?

    to much for me to handle i'm exploding!!!
  5. rata487

    Wanting to put together a squad.

    Yeah i want to play now. my skype is rata487 ow i just read from usa sry.
  6. rata487

    Is it just me seeing this??

    Yep you should use dayz commander and there are some hackers but than i'll go to another server and no hackers in there good luck with playing!
  7. rata487

    looking for a group

    Yeah i want to play dayz with you kill people,make a camp,... should be fun.
  8. rata487

    Looking for Squad

    Yeah i want to make a group with you (my skype is rata487.)
  9. Yeah i want to make a group with you my skype is rata487 yes i use skype i am not a little kid. age:17 current gear (just died):lee enfield ghillie suit revolver and food,drinks... time playing :about 1 month (now longer) location Belgium (but i can play usa servers.)
  10. I would love to play on your server but i have some qeustions about your server could i ask it on skype? My skype is thibault if that doesn't work try rata487.
  11. Wow i also was kidnapped by an guy but he killed me aferwards...:(
  12. rata487

    Some Really Nice Guys In Helicopter Help Us Out LOL

    Haha you must hide yourself better :P
  13. Really nice it's like a game in a game :P