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About Calvus

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    On a boat
  1. Like many others here who had not played ARMA I spent my first two or three lives learning the controls and when to run vs when to hide. When I was getting the hang of it I decided to hit Cherno for a gear run (all I had was a crossbow). I am scooting along nicely avoiding zeds handily and feeling quite proud of myself when all of a sudden a bush to my left says "hey, dude with the crossbow! Want a gun?" and of course I am pleased as punch finding a friendly stranger offering me some tasty candy so I say "Yes, Thank You!". He drops a package next to me and fades off into the shadows and I am thinking to myself what a nice fella. I pick up the weapon which is an LMG of some sort and just as I get all warm and glowy I get kicked from the server for having a banned weapon. Needless to say I don't accept gifts from strangers anymore.
  2. Title says most of it except that I have special requirements since I live in Alaska I need to play on servers located in the west WA, OR, YT, BC. If your clan is looking for a mature team player hit me up. In game name atm is Cal Worthington and my dog Spot will join me on occasion...