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Everything posted by Anyx7

  1. Hey guys, i've played dayz for a while now, and i must say that having these FPS issues is really bugging me. I can play battlefield 3 with everything on high and get stable and good FPS. Is there anything I can do to fix this? I have everything on very low, or disabled and I still get bad frames. Cheers guys :) Corsair TX 650W PSU ASUS P7H55-M PRO, Socket-1156 Intel Core i5 Quad Processor i5-760 (overclocked from 2.8Ghz to 3.0Ghz) MSI Geforce GTX 660 2GB PhysX CUDA Western Digital Caviar® Black 1TB RAM: 4GB
  2. Hey guys. I've experienced that saying "friendly" to another person is not always ending good. I've tried being friendly several times, but yet getting killed. Tired of losing my gear... I don't want to be seen as a bandit, so I don't kill survivors. What do you do if you have good gear and you meet someone?
  3. Hey guys, something really weird has happend. I wore a camo and it had good textures, but later on when i logged on my textures are all messed up? Why? Tried putting the settings higher, but didnt work?
  4. Hey guys, this is really weird, but everytime I go in first-person mode I can only hear my walking/running in my right ear on my headset? Tried settings and searching, but haven't really found anything. Any solution to this?
  5. Fixed! Was something wrong with my headphones, when I pressed surround it didnt work. tried several times, and then it worked.
  6. Tried, didn't work :( Anything else?
  7. As, Azrail said, I didn't have surround enabled actually, but didn't help. How do you set your in-game sound options to 64 channels?
  8. Anyx7

    Clothing textures all bad?

    I thought so... I guess I'm hallucinating, lol. because I haven't downloaded/bought any of those two DLC's. I play DayZ through DayZcommander though, can I still download it from steam and use it that way?
  9. Anyx7

    Clothing textures all bad?

    I see, thanks! Do you know how I download them?
  10. Hey guys, when I try new maps I always seem to get lost sometimes, and I like using the online maps to find military bases etc... But I feel like that can sometimes ruin the experience, because you find all the best places right away and that can make it boring very fast.. What do you guys do?
  11. Hey guys, i'd like to hear how long you play on each maps? Let's say you play on namalsk for some time, know the map etc... do you switch when you get killed with lets say full geared?
  12. Hello. I've decided to find myself a new private hive server. I'm looking for a server with active and decent amount of people (20-30 ish - prefer under 50). Whitelist is fine. I also like to play at night some days, so if it's a server that always has active players on, that would be great. I prefer daylight, so daylight 24/7 would be the best, and as mentioned a GMT+1 or GMT+13 because that's my in-real life time. Hoping for some answers! :) Cheers! Regards, Anyx7
  13. Hey guys. I've tried both private hive and official servers but I find it hard to find a suitable private hive... I always play in different times of the day (from 3PM and another day it might be 04AM) Usually when I pick a server it's popular but next day it's zero players... But I'm a lone wolf, so I like side chats and official servers don't have that. Joining different official servers seems to be nice, because I can pick time zone. (and players playing) So what do you suggest?
  14. Anyx7

    Private hive or not?

    That sounds awesome! How do I know if a server have that?
  15. Hello! I've tried finding good private hives, but I can't really find one that fits me perfectly. It always ends up with the next day the server is empty. I'm trying to find europe, so it fits my in real life time, but i can't seem to find one. It seems easier to join public server because then I can choose a new one another day and dont lose my gear. But ofcourse, more hackers... Suggestions?
  16. Anyx7

    Side chat or not?

    Hey guys. Is side chat recommended for lone wolfs? What do you lone wolfs play on?
  17. Anyx7

    Side chat or not?

    Sorry, didn't know mate. But it's only side chat on private hives :(
  18. Hello! How many should I play with on a server when playing as lone wolf? 20? 30? 50? I like the idea of pvping, but if it's too many people which means no chance of surviving for a decent amount of time getting decent gear, maybe not. Any suggestions?
  19. The music can sometimes irritate me, especially on a long walk. How about you guys?
  20. Anyx7

    Where to go?

    Hello. I always start off with going to cherno or elektro to get some basic gear. then I move on to stary to get some loot and after that i move to NW airfield. But I seem to only go to these two places? Anywhere else to go to get some good loot?
  21. Hello! My in-game name is Cresto, and I like to play as a survivor, hero if possible! I would really like to join your server! Regards, Cresto
  22. Hello! I'm searching for a good private hive server that has active admins and members? :)
  23. Anyx7

    Where to go?

    Hello! I'm a bit new to this game, and I have managed to grab some decent gear now. I'm in the city, and I'm just too lazy to go anywhere else? Is it like really nice gear other places than the town? Because I'm not really motivated enough to run for a long distance to find small houses etc when there's so much stuff in the cities?
  24. Anyx7

    Where to go?

    Thanks guys!