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Everything posted by crey94@gmail.com

  1. First of all thanks for checking out my thread, I hope you will give me a chance to provide an enjoyable player environment. What to expect The server is running Overpoch(Chernarus) (Now with AI missions, Plot For Life / Snap Build Pro), you do not spawn with anything other than the usual flashlight a single bandage and starter backpack. I have no plans of spawning people with guns or currency as that will ruin the entire reason for playing. Currently no bases exist due to the fact it is a brand new servermeaning all vehicles are sitting around ripe for the picking making a start fairly easy.Rules (I think the rules are pretty standard) 1. No spamming side chat (I don't mind if it's used but keep it clean and don't spam) 2. No racial insults / name calling 3. Try not to shoot on sight unless you are both equally armed/matched 4. No camping trade areasOther information The server restarts every 8 hours and you can tell the next restart time by the debug monitor and bottom right of the screen.Patches/versions: epoch overwatch 0.2.5/ arma2 125548Difficulty: MERCENARY!Map: ChernarusServer location: United States, Chicagoip:
  2. bump. back after some downtime and now MERCENARY DIFFICULTY!
  3. Plot for Life and Snap Build Pro now!
  4. bumperino, forgot to originally mention it's on Chernarus! (have updated it however it's slightly un-noticeable)