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Everything posted by Vagrent

  1. Vagrent

    Can we include one of these?...

    How did you know that was one of my most favourite films??
  2. Vagrent

    Can we include one of these?...

    My idea is simples.. We use a JCB front loader bucket. If you are not familiar with these buckets here you are That front bucket open hydraulically you could grin that machine tightly in the front bucket, angle it slightly to sweep the zombies off their feet in to them JAWS OF DOOOOOOM. The machine would be fun of the JCB aux hyraulic system and be controlled from in the cab. The driver could just burn about consuming zombs in its merciless JAWS OF DOOOOOM! Whadaya reckon?....OTT?... :huh: :thumbsup:
  3. Vagrent

    The good guys..

    My mate Wasteland Wolf is the video up-loader, There shall be more vidz soon, you will have to make do with 1,2 and 3 for now :D Part1
  4. Vagrent

    The good guys..

    Cheers guys, If it wasn't for work commitments we would be at this shizzle all day long :D :thumbsup:
  5. Vagrent

    The good guys..

  6. Vagrent

    The good guys..

  7. Vagrent

    What kind of player are you?

    I am a hero, I kill bandits on sight and hostile survivors..being..er...hostile:cool: I also love to kill zombies:lol:
  8. Forgive me if this has been posted before, the server is running poor and my search finds no results. I have had a few ideas regarding dayz, which I love BTW I would like to see more player character customizing (probably a tired subject) however I think body mass, height ect would add a good element. Many a time have we been in a fire fight and not sure who is who due to all players, with the exception of hero's and bandits look pretty much the same. Build, clothing, height and facial features would I believe make players feel more in-tune with their team mates and helping to build an 'ingame bond' and making the death of a team mate more nasty. also, I'd like to say hi to you all, I am vagrent I live in the UK, in Devon. :D
  9. Vagrent

    Differing sizes of players

    I loved goldeneye!! Indeed odd job was an arse:lol: I used to play Siberian commando :D:D:lol::blink:
  10. Vagrent

    Differing sizes of players

    fpmsl:lol: I have a very funny image in my head now, cheers zeppa:D Beans for you when I get home, no beans function on tapash*t:lol:
  11. Vagrent

    Differing sizes of players

    You're right, I never thought of that, it would be a bad umpa lumpa land dream....:lol: Not necessarily, smaller cant carry as much gear, take less damage, ie less blood. small you'd be nimble and fast but weaker, less blood. Big you'd be slower, carry more, more blood, easier target. :wub:
  12. Vagrent

    Differing sizes of players

    Lol. A bearded woman..yum..all birds in Devon have beards:lol: I think the customizable clothing idea is being implemented. Would anyone choose that brown bodywarmer and blue trousers combo I often spawn in??:lol:
  13. Vagrent

    Differing sizes of players

    Ie bigger carry more, smaller harder to kill. I see no wrongs with this ;)
  14. Vagrent

    Differing sizes of players

    Lol hey dude :ph34r:
  15. Vagrent

    Remove 3rd person or make it worse

    I use both. If first person was less clunky, I may agree with the op. You see in first person, unlike in RL, you dont have any of your natual senses so you are almost blind. I like to run in 3P and kill in FP. And by doing so I feel I have more of an affinity with my surrounding.....OMG I am talkin such bollo(x) :blink: lol I see yer point OP, but yer wrong, removing £P would be bad man...baaaad Juju :wacko: :o :facepalm:
  16. Vagrent

    Differing sizes of players

    Indeed, we all come in many sizes. I wonder if they could include my body image, short, hunched back and the ability to touch the ground with my knuckles as I walk. I say touch..er..I mean drag... :lol:
  17. Vagrent

    Petition to remove Krutory Cap spawn

    ha ha I hate spawning there, count me in :D