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Everything posted by HeartBreak301

  1. HeartBreak301

    Returning player

    So I haven't been around the DayZ scene for like 4 months and I was just wondering about any major changes I should be aware of before I dive back into the game. Sorry if this isn't the correct place to post this but it seemed appropriate.
  2. HeartBreak301

    Returning player

    Alright, thanks for all the help guys.
  3. HeartBreak301

    Returning player

    Yeah, no interest in that stuff myself. I like the challenge of working for every little thing you get. But any more major changes in the vanilla?
  4. HeartBreak301

    Returning player

    Sticking to vanilla myself, I like the mod for what it is. As for the zeds and infection I remember they nerfed pistol damage on body shots and infection was more prevalent and could actually kill you. Has it changed much since that? Thanks for the responses guys.
  5. HeartBreak301

    Hostage stories

    So I've been wondering what the best hostage stories you guys have are. Anyone can take a hostage and rob or kill him but have any of you guys done anything really lulzworthy to your hostages? Let's hear it.
  6. HeartBreak301

    Wet bandit, roger

    Well I guess you're lucky he didn't shoot you. I know I would have if you tried to hold me up and I turned the tables.
  7. HeartBreak301

    DayZ standalone version release date?

    That'd be a great birthday surprise for me, but I'm expecting December.
  8. HeartBreak301

    Wet bandit, roger

    I don't know what's worse. The dickheads on the hills or these bots.
  9. HeartBreak301

    How Stinky Is the Apocalypse?

    Not to mention everyone is living off of a diet of baked beans and sardines.
  10. HeartBreak301

    Wet bandit, roger

    You killed them for loot, I say bandit. Now if you had an AS50 and just blew them away from a hill with no intention of looting them, dickhead.
  11. HeartBreak301

    Winchester Ambush

    Frontier justice hunting. Nice kills.
  12. HeartBreak301

    Hostage stories

    I remember watching a video on youtube of people doing just that, kind of why I started to the thread in the first place.