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joanjett (DayZ)

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Everything posted by joanjett (DayZ)

  1. joanjett (DayZ)

    Why does hardly anyone report abusive servers?

    Crying, basement dwelling, neckbeards - makes me love you! To your OT, I guess its just annoying to report and nothing is done. That's the way they want to run it. Find a server that doesn't do that.
  2. joanjett (DayZ)

    Question for fellow Admins - Combat Logging

    In general, I try to keep things loose on my group. If its something people complain about on a continuous basis - I'll talk to the player and let them know they are annoying me by annoying others. If after you talk to them they don't take the hint, and you keep getting complaints, My size 7 is kicking out.
  3. joanjett (DayZ)


    Ritchie you're pissing me off. I said THE kids (meaning kids that are on my server) not MY kids. I have only 1 kid that plays dayz and we play together and we have fun. You don't read well. Send me your address, I'll send you some Seuss to get you started!
  4. joanjett (DayZ)


    The thing is, last night some friends of mine logged into the admin panel. I was trying figure out how they did it - they said its a default password. I have a password that I USE to log in. Not sure how to correct this. If you can tell me it would be GREAT. If you're up for a chat - i'm on gmail dayzjoanjett@gmail.com THANKYOU!!!!!
  5. joanjett (DayZ)


    So how do you disable the game play Admin panel (from another noob)???
  6. joanjett (DayZ)

    A Legit way to stop hackers.

    5) OBFUSCATION IS NOT SECURITY. Obfuscation? This should win the big word contest for February (you made my brain ache)
  7. Someone out there MUST know how to do this? I'm wondering if they just removed it from the more recent updates. I just started a server (Blackhearts) and need someone to explain how to add girl characters to my game. thanks all JJ
  8. joanjett (DayZ)

    suggestion: Caves?

    Good place to hide stuff and self.
  9. joanjett (DayZ)

    suggestion: Caves?

    This is why we have glow sticks!
  10. joanjett (DayZ)

    suggestion: Caves?

    hey thank ya - I'll put them in my Alice Pack!
  11. joanjett (DayZ)

    Best Server Provider ATM

    I'm am trying (no success) to get a server up on dayz.st as we speak. So far it wont let me log back in with the password I entered so I'm a little frustrated. I'm a computer moron so if anyone wants to shoot me a line and help the old lady try to figure out how to make this thing work - feel free to take your pity out of me. If I can throw in some guns and vehicles I'd gladly do it.
  12. joanjett (DayZ)

    suggestion: Caves?

    I don't game at all except for this so all of this is new to me. I've had to learn to get out of my comfort zone a bit playing and have learned to be ok with the dark. I agree, it wouldnt be for everyone, but I like the idea of having kind of a refuge that no one can find you. Just something that popped into the brain.
  13. joanjett (DayZ)

    What's the point in COMBAT ROLE?

    I love the roll. Seems to me like the chara slows down to wander over the fence, with the roll, if you time it right, you jump over the fence, pop up and keep on runnin. What DOESNT make sense are zombies going through everything like ghosts.
  14. joanjett (DayZ)

    Food not increasing my blood level

    I think the new changes are encouraging teaming up. I'm usually out on my own and I've had a LOT of difficulty with the changes. Where it used to be you could pull up and fill a jerry can and a car with out a zombie noticing - even on the recruit game the z's are out in full force and it puts us loner types at a real disadvantage. My advice to you would be to get the bbq going - eat a ton of food and then find some folks that you can deal with enough to team with. good luck!
  15. joanjett (DayZ)

    Girl Characters

    Why is it an option for servers NOT to have girl characters available? Let the lesbian comments fly (sigh) but I'm a chic and most people who get to know me think its cool there are a few lady dayz'rs out there - why do I have to play as a dude?
  16. joanjett (DayZ)


    Catholic school here too. I'm probably older than you but I remember kids getting hands smacked for using the left hand and then one year they had left handed scissors (which I always tried to use as a righty - its an adventure) I have 3 kids and the youngest is left handed. Kind of interesting what makes people use the hand they use. I can say as a mom you're born using your specific hand - ITS NOT A CHOICE. (Feeling like I need to wave a rainbow flag now) GAME PLAY: I feel like I use my keyboard hand more often than the mouse hand. People are always trying to kill me so I have learned to really weave and dodge and use the alt to look around constantly. I think if you start playing - just use whatever you feel like using and stick with it - if it feels weird, change it.
  17. I'm not going to read the responses to your post because most of the people on this board piss me off... To YOU I say this. I am a 40 something mom and seriously before dayz I was playing mario cart on my kids ds, and before that there was pacman. I have had SUCH a hard time adapting to using the keyboard to play (isn't there some sort of joystick you can buy to play these games) and had an even HARDER time figuring out how to play. I too have been to a server where an asshole Admin hunted me down in a helicopter and then got mad at ME for telling him he was an idiot (which he was) What I love about this game is the variety. I can't stand the games my kids play on the xbox or ps3 where it lays out every move for you and you blindly follow. I love wandering around, finding new places, even getting killed by zombies (or admins) because it makes me a better player. I do pretty well for myself now. I know when to avoid the city and places to avoid and where to find what I need in terms of guns and ammo, etc. It seems like from your post you are frustrated because you cant play the game the way you want to and my advice is to keep looking and keep playing. Dont let the jerks make you quit - get back in there and play and if they dont play nice hunt them down! Hit me up on a server anytime!
  18. joanjett (DayZ)

    Constantly getting kicked off server

    For the computer illiterate - if the ping is too high, is there anything I can do to fix that? I keep getting kicked off too and its making me insane.
  19. joanjett (DayZ)

    Girl Characters

    its ok - I'm not fishing for compliments - certainly NOT here. Communists are scared of dill?
  20. joanjett (DayZ)

    Girl Characters

    cant do it. Maturity is horribly overrated.
  21. joanjett (DayZ)

    Girl Characters

    Oh blah blah blah - i'm not even reading it and i'm SUPER glad you think I'm immature because at my age - that feels great! Its called asking for something while SIMULTANEOUSLY throwing in a joke - its called a sense of humor - you might try it.
  22. joanjett (DayZ)

    Girl Characters

    Snilex - sorry you think I'm whining but its something I've noticed because its something I'm looking for. You don't have to be a complete asshole about it - if you think its meaningless and it doesn't pertain to you don't read it!!! Dallas - well said!
  23. joanjett (DayZ)

    Server hosts accepting Visa?

    I would NOT give anyone, even a server host, my credit card online - just my opinion. Having seen a charge for $2500 plane tickets on my card for a trip I knew nothing about - paypal is really the way to go and worth paying a little extra for the transaction.
  24. joanjett (DayZ)

    Girl Characters

    Trolling you mean just starting shit I don't care about? I'm not - its annoying and I'm sure the other 4 or 5 girls that play would agree. I never paid for Dayz - but Arma HEY THANKS FOR THAT COMMENT. Moments of my life are gone now that I'm not getting back. The forum asks for suggestions - I make the suggestion. More girls will play if you all treat them more kindly - just sayin ;)
  25. joanjett (DayZ)

    Girl Characters

    Also - I usually play a recruit or regular game (I'm good I'm not THAT good) and the public servers I have found are all Veteran games. Not for me!