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Posts posted by Rozjackal

  1. Hi there Dayz players. My friend and I have been considering for a while what to do on DayZ now we're very well armed and player hunting doesn't interest us.

    My friend and I are both Australian gamers, aged 15 and 16 respectively. No, we're not CODFAGS we're players with plenty of experience on both DayZ and ARMA 2.

    We are both armed with Mark 48 Mod 0 Machine guns and my friend an M4A1 CCO SD, myself an M107 sniper rifle. We're both available for working on night servers if necessary.

    We're looking to provide single players or groups of players with experienced cover and over watch. This clearly isn't a free service, but we're not going to be asking for very much. We're basically going to just ask for food and water to replace what we may have used over our work.

    If necessary my friend and I can travel to anywhere on the map to provide medical assistance, but we'd need compensation in the form of food and water, as well as any ammunition expended getting to you.

    This is open to anyone in need. Send me a message if you're interested.

    We're able to play on US , Australian and New Zealand servers.


  2. Explanations would be wasted on you, mr 6 post " fuck off back to cod " and yeah, id find a reason to ban you, probably wouldnt be hard at all, you people are here one day, gone the next.

    Honesty, I can't tell if stupid or trolling.

    Anyway, must get back too my fans on the server.

    I do have six posts, indeed. I should be moving that up to seven, oh my god! You wouldn't ban me because I'm a player that plays within the rules. If an idiot like you tries to ban me however, I'd laugh in your face, because at the end of the day I've still won by enraging you to the point where your only course of option is to ban me. It's even more satisfying than driving hackers to doing it. I've talked down administrators on Counter-Strike. There is nothing you can do to get to me, ever.

    The only thing that you have responded to was an insult. So this to me says volumes about you.

    I'm more than happy to listen to your explanations, in fact I'm very eager to hear what drivel you come up with.

    Your replies are very disappointing. I can take solace in the fact that the way you post, no one of importance will take you seriously.

    I would strongly suggest that you take a good long look at yourself before you label other people, because out of anyone in this thread you are displaying the traits that you label others of.

    Your open willingness to abuse your position as an admin of a server, albeit your own private hive, is another clear indicator that you are not prepared to listen to counter arguments. You were never interested in a debate, just to dictate.

    Though I have to tell you the truth, I can't tell if you're trolling, stupid, or as Pendragon suggested, you are a self-centred egomaniac. Though I think all three apply.

    I appreciate what you've said, for you have simply cemented my initial thoughts and gone above and beyond the call of duty! You are an even bigger idiot than I realised.

    Adieu and goodnight.

  3. @ Navy, thanks for giving me some information on weaponry I wasn't well knowledgeable of.

    @ zombie, again I was just bringing up the guns already in the base game.

    But for those guns in that pack, the Yargyin PYA would be awesome, plus if the devs wanted they could add in overpressurised ammo

    It's disappointing to see such a lack of Soviet weaponry in a Soviet/former soviet state.

  4. Nah babe, if anyone should dry their eyes, it's you. AS50 with the TWS has been removed. But think about how you zero in the damn gun, how finicky the L85 is. The gun is not an instant one hit kill if you miss, is it? Or shit, that ground is really bleeding and dying now!

    As many people have said, a good weapon helps, but being able to use it means a lot more. That guy with the Mark 48? He can be downed with a pistol if he's a spraying bitch. That guy with an AS50 doesn't have another set of arms behind his back to kill me if I sneak up on him.

    If I find and successfully kill a man while armed with "lesser" equipment, why should I not be able to get my prize and use that until the next guy comes along and kills me, as inevitably happens in this game?

    Your profile says you're 40 years old. You act and sound much more like a twelve year old. You're not answering any of the questions I'm putting to you. In fact you've said you'll ban me for something I've said on a forum, the sign of a piss-poor admin in itself, You've said to me that I must "Dry my eyes" which is remarkable to me because in no way am I qq'ing.

    Start using arguments or stop acting like a bitch. In fact, I was genuinely confused to what you were saying when you said "I can't comprehend the reasons" because you've put almost none forth and the ones you have put forth have been countered pretty much easily. Then I realised you just gave your beans to people who you thought were right.

    Who have also had their arguments countered.

    /trollmodeengaged If your players don't want them, don't use them and just pban all the guys that do, that'll stop the people on your server using them, lul.

    Ultimately I'm going to agree to disagree with what you've said, Mostly because you're a fool who irritates me. Good day sir.

  5. Sorry babe, I can't join UK servers and quite frankly, if you're on one, I wouldn't want to.

    Forgive me for trying to give you a rational argument against why. My words you've quoted, indeed may have gone far but the basic point I was trying to make was if you're taking out those guns, you're going to have players crying out for the removal of other guns which are "OP."

    Ballance has got nothing to do with wanting easy mode, why do think i want rid of NV, because its a noob crutch, L85 is a noob crutch, M107 is a noob crutch, AS50 is a noob crutch.

    I want hardcore, but there still needs to need some level of ballance, getting the items and weapons list "right" would be a simple start.

    How is having good visibility at night a crutch? That's an advantage a player should be able to capitalise on. Another player has even addressed what you've spoken of.

    I ask you this, have any players currently armed with those weapons asked "Hey can you remove this?" Or only the people who have been VICTIMS of this?

    As soon as the shoe is on the other foot you'll have people saying "nah, keep in it's good lol"

    My god, you're an idiot. In so many ways. How on earth do you own a server?

    Basically what you're asking for is to remove RARE items which should be REWARDS for going out and finding helicopter crash sites or wherever you've found these.

    Also, with the part of your post complaining of lazy level design

    Let's have some fun here and make the entire map one flat board. That way it's an equal playing field and there is absolutely no way that any one player can have an advantage! Oh wait, that would suck.

    What you've said so far is stupid. Please come up with better arguments. With the only thing you addressed being an insult I put to you, clearly your small mind cannot comprehend a way of countering what I have said.

    If by chance it can I'm happy enough to discuss this with you calmly and without abuse you arrogant pissant.

    If this stuff gets removed, I can't wait until the M4A1 Holo posts start.


    It is my sincere hope that no one is dumber for having read the things you've said and may god not have mercy on your soul.

  6. mZLY let's take what you're saying a step further!

    We shouldn't have DMRs because they're basically a one hit kill. We shouldn't have any weapon over the 9x18 calibre in the game! One to two hits is too OP, in fact, let's ditch our whole setup of military grade loot and start walking around toting Makarovs.

    Yes, there's a reason hackers are picking up TWS weapons. They're so useful to players because they're rare. When you take away hackers there is really almost no chance of coming across one. Pendragon hit it right on the head when he said "And for that matter, if those weapons are removed you'll be back crying because everyone is using LMG's and it isn't fair/realistic/some excuse to claim it doesn't fit. I mean why do I have to reload when they are throwing 100's of rounds at you? Or the M203 with HE rounds blasting your entire squad."

    Thank you, Pendragon, you really nailed it on the head. If those get removed too, they'll be bitching about suppressed M4's!

    Do you know why the TWS is so cherished? It'll give you the edge over a Ghillie Suit sniper.

    In fact, let's use your logic here.


    As I said, this is a military simulator. You're damn right I'm going to use NVGs to my advantage at night.

    "make the ghillie suits thermal resistant."

    Is that a joke? That makes Ghillies OP and that would have even *More* people bitching about them being less visible. A half competent player could easily hide and not give away his position to a player. Stop talking. Just. Stop.

    What I would like to see is CADPAT instead of camo, and it's designed to reduce your thermal signature.

    Sure, that could be a viable option. But coding it might be a bit irritating. I think that'll be good though.

    from what I've heard you say, I'm surprised you don't bitch and moan about helicopters. In fact, if I'm ever on a server with you on, I'm going out of my way to hunt you with my "much op" gun.

    I have an M249 SAW and my squadmate will be picking up an M240 machine gun. Are you going to bitch about us hailing 300 rounds of gunfire at you without reloading? Without being a troll here, you, mZly need to harden the hell up, quit your bitching and accept that they're part of the game.

    Taiphoz, have you ever fired an unsuppressed gun with NVGs on? If you fire more than one or two shots you're blinded, they see where the gunshots came from and can shoot back at you.

    Secondly, if that's such a huge thing to you, just press the abort button and find a day server. :) If you really think it's that big a deal, no one puts a gun to your head to play.

    This is a zombie simulator built on top of a weapon simulator. Not a "Random items chucked in for shits and gigs" zombie game. If the items are in here, they are intended to be used.I shall think of you when I'm making someone my bitch with my machine gun.

    No, it isn't overpowered, I agree, definitely the size of my stick matters, but it matters a hell of a lot more that I know how to use it. And I do.

    No single player should have such a huge advantage over another- that's equal to cheating or simply lazy game design

    My god. I have never laughed so hard in my life. Shit, I spent some time playing last night and found an M249 SAW! Because of that and the fact now I'm ecstatic and eager to go hunting players to share the love around, I'm cheating.

    With no respect whatsoever, fuck you and go back to call of duty.

    instant gratification kids.

    How long does it take to run up to Starry Sobor or to the Airfield? Twenty to thirty minutes. Instant gratification kids can't handle that. So your argument is invalid. I am by no means saying that that simple 20-30 minute run is insta-loot, but for the OPPORTUNITY to get that loot it takes 20-30 minutes plus however long it takes to find your weapon.

    Also, giving you tools to negate advantages isn't forcing balance, it is adding game mechanics. Unless everyone spawns with all the tools, then balance, as you put it, never works into it. Some people will find the tools and some won't, every encounter will still be full of unknowns. But more tools will result in more options, and more complex gameplay. Is that a bad thing?

    After the TWS gets taken out, you'll have people bitching about Ghillie suits. So you'll be back one step with ONE LESS WEAPON IN THE GAME. If you take out the TWS you take out a way of finding Ghillie suits, which is well, let me take the position of one of the people complaining about the TWS, and substitute it with the Ghillie.

    Zomg, the ghillie suit makes play0rz invisibul and dem playuhs keep killen me from far away and i nebber get to shoot em! this is unfair TAKE EM OUT LOLOLOL

    there's supposed to be something in between being a "new spawn" and having top-tier loot. that's part of the problem now: people just run around cherno/elektro until they find a body with all the good stuff. many of these people have never even made a trip to the NWAF, or spent hours looking for heli-crashes. let alone done that stuff enough to find the really rare loot

    Absolutely. I agree with what you're saying, but for those jerkoffs that run around Cherno and Elektro I should get my balls cut off and lose the gun I personally spent more than a goddamn week looking for?

    I usually play on one server and rarely server hop, and if I do hop, it's usually to raid someones camp on another server and jump back and forth to my vehicle to offload the stolen gear.

    As a fresh spawn, I see no need to server hop because I can get everything I need with a lap around the map. It takes about 2, maybe 3 hours to go completely around the high value areas of the map and collect gear. I will concede that I don't always end up with Ghillie and NVG within the first 2 hours, but more often than not, I do. For me, the only gear I "need" is my DMR. With that rifle, I'm in control and those who have been on the recieving end of my DMR rethink their tactics when dealing with me, but again, that's due to playing on one server with regulars who get to know you and that I monitor and get to know.

    There is more to DayZ than just getting gear and killing people. If you don't server hop, and you stay on one server you need to learn the people that "live" there with you. Who works with who, who is a lone wolf, who shoots on sight(me!) who is friendly and gets shot on sight(by me!). If I don't have my combat load out, I stay away from heavily populated areas until I have gotten to the point where I can defend myself.

    My crowning achievement is losing to a AS-50 TWS sniper. I had him, but it was my own mistakes that cost me the kill. He fired off a number of magazines at me while I was evacuating electro, and missed. I circled around him and he was still sitting in his hiding spot, which was quite open actually. I didn't need to range him, but I errored on my hold over as he was ranging me. I opened fire, corrected, and got one or two hits, but due to the distance I wasn't doing much damage and he moved to cover. My critical mistake was not retreating to cover after my magazine ran dry and relocating. Instead, like a new player I sat through my reloading animation as he came back out from his cover and put one .50 into my face. It was great, I truly enjoyed it, even though I lost all my gear, because I saw the error I made, but up until that point I had him. This proved to me that my tactics were sound, but that there are areas where I still need improvement.

    DayZ isn't about the gear, its about how each person approaches the situations they are presented with. This thread is people whining about the situations they are presented with and trying to limit the number of different situations they have to learn how to handle.

    Absolutely everything you just said. I highlighted your second paragraph because you have conceded that YOU were the one that messed up. Not him, You.

    You learned from that experience (I hope) and has your play style improved?

    Mine has. I can competently engage players with most, if not all the weapons in this game and if you can't, then that's your problem. Don't ruin the game for the rest of us.


  7. Thanks for the support, Navy.

    I agree with what you've said, but the difference between the FN FAL and the HK G3 is pretty minor.

    Inb4 AK/VZ people commenting.

    Yeah, they look similar but the Czech made gun is made with a different piston system (I think) to the AK, but I know they're two very different weapons.

    Edit: I put gun suggestions in that are already in the base game and wouldn't take as much effort as creating a new gun.

    What would be cool though, would be the SAS Black kit as a skin. More for the terror value and for use at night.

    Link for Black Kit.


  8. The weaponry in the game seems quite odd for a post Soviet state, what with the availability of American AR-15 platform assault rifles and a lack of Russian made weapons, what with the only things being three? variants of the AK-74 and one of the AKM. .

    I haven't spent much time on the forums so please be merciful on me as I ask these questions.

    Why on earth is there such a huge variety of American made weapons in a post Soviet state? I understand the Spetsnaz would have access to these weapons so at the barracks this would make sense, I know (From the Dayzdb) that AK rifles are more common, but 9/10 players I see have American made weapons because of the lack of variety and versatility.

    AKM, powerful weapon, thumbs up!

    No underbarrel/scope attachments.


    Why is the only choice of weapons here weaponry with poor iron sights and scopes?

    The AK-107 has a default weapon (Fine)

    PSO-1 scope (good for medium range)

    Kobra (A step up, at least)

    GP-25 grenade launcher (FANTABULOUS!)

    Hell, even for fun you could add in the AKM that's gold plated as a super-rare item.

    For a comparison of the variants, you've got...

    AK-74/SU/Kobra 3 variants + AKM =4 weapons.

    Comparison. M16A2, M16A2/M203, M4A1, M4A1 CCO, M4A1 CCO SD, M4A3, M16A4 ACOG, M4A1 Holo


    Plus, M14, DMR, M107, Beretta M9/SD, M1014, Remington 870 and I'm missing a few. Apologies for that.

    But, 8 assault rifles plus two medium range weapons, one long range weapon, two shotguns and an M9, (I'm going to count that as American made as it's in American service and so on)

    So is this a post soviet state bordering on the United States?

    No, I'm not ragging on Rocket or anyone else, but I'm genuinely curious to why we have so many American/british made weapons in this game whereas we have such a lack of variation in our actual Soviet weaponry.

    I brought up the AK-107, I mean, I know it's like an AK-74, but with a lot more customisation.

    On that, we have the British AS50 and the American M107, where is the Russian KSVK 12.7x108mm sniper rifle? It's unusual, a bullpup design

    Hell, a Vintorez VSS might be beautiful in this game, purely for how shockingly effective it is.

    American made Mark 48, Belgium made M240 and the M249, where's a PKM? AN RPK-74 would be fantastic too, just for how it could capitalise on ammunition for the AK-74/107.

    We have helicopter crash sites of American make, why not put in some Hind crash sites where you could find a Vintorez or KSVK?

    To add a bit more variety at least, we've added in the G17, (Glock 17) so why don't we bring in some more weapons used by the Bundwehsr? If everyone's so against the use of Russian guns, why not bring in some G36 variants ?

    Soviet made handguns, we've got the Makarov! and uh... The Makarov! Why don't we add in the Skorpion, or even the Makarov SD? From what I've seen this game was originally created so you could spawn in with a makarov, clearly because it was so terrible. Why not add in a machine pistol?

    Hell, even if you're not so approving of my AK choices, why not bring in some of the Czech made guns? the VZ-58 seems fairly customised.

    On Czech made weaponry, the CZ-75 is considered to be a fantastic weapon!

    I may be wrong, but because the L85 TWS is in the game we can add in weapons from expansions, so again, forgive me if I'm wrong but why don't we add in some new pistols so the M9 or Glock 17 isn't the "No, duh" weapon?

    Shotguns don't seem particularly popular, but I'm seeing the M1014 and the Remington 870. Where's the Saiga 12?

    In making this post, I'm not saying "ZOMG ADD IN WEAPONS RAOREWREARAE"

    What I'm trying to ask is why we don't have that many actual Soviet/Russian made weapons in a POST SOVIET STATE and I'm suggesting potential weapons. Hell, adding in the VZ variants would be good because they are part of the Communist bloc and more than likely a few of them might dribble down to another Communist state. Forgive me if this has already been explained, but this genuinely confuses me.

    The handwave excuse "Those weapons were snapped up!" doesn't work.

    What about the fact that people die ALL the time? what about the frequency of AMERICAN weapons being... everywhere? I'm calling bullshit on the lack of Soviet weapons.

    I offer to find ten players at the Airfield, what are they going to be most likely armed with?

    American made weapons and Austrian/Italian (M9) made pistols.

    Most of these don't even need to be built from the ground up as the weapons I've spoken of are already in the base game. Sincerely I am not speaking as a troll or anything of the sort, I am genuinely curious and actually extremely confused at the lack of Soviet weapons in a Soviet state...

    Edit: I know I'm not mentioning civilian made weapons as I'm simplydiscussing weapons ALREADY in the base game. If you'd like to bring in a revolver sniper rifle, I'd love to see that too. (Yes, it does exist) or any other Russian made weapons that are seen in farms or wherever else, that's not what I'm asking about.

    For a full list of guns in the game already, http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/ArmA_II

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