I am looking for about a 4-5 player clan Anyone can join Need Skype with a mic or not(prefferably with a mic) My skype is missionc2 Add me if you want to join :)
I would like to join if you are still opening. If you are hit me up on skype my name is missionc2 and i am a experienced player and know how to win the fire fight.
Hi my name is missionc2. i am looking for a small group of 4-5 people. I have some experience and i have skype. my skype name is: missionc2 and my DayZ name is xXBSPGamerXx. i have steam and my name is missionc2. my youtube is missionc2 and almost everything else is... well... missionc2. i have my own equiptment on regular servers. send me a request on skype to join my group.