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Everything posted by _TheAlexO

  1. _TheAlexO


    +1 great idea
  2. _TheAlexO

    Urination & Excrement

    I honestly like this idea
  3. _TheAlexO

    Start with a flashlight, not flares

    agree. 100%. Most people have at least 1 flashlight in their house.
  4. _TheAlexO

    Day/Night cycle

    I am fine with the 24 hour day/night cycle, but the night is just too dark. I live in the middle of nowhere IRL, and standing outside with every single nearby light turned off, I can see decently enough once my eyes have adjusted. In DayZ on the other hand, there is absolutely no light out. Can't see an inch in front of me. Can only see the stars.. Only bad thing about the 24 hour cycle is me and my friend can usually only play at night because of work or whatever. Can't play on servers across the pond due to lag. Still, an amazing mod. Having a ridiculous amount of fun with it.