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Everything posted by Messiadbunny

  1. Yesterday I was playing just fine but today I cannot seem to get past "character data received from server" on any server I try. I tried to reinstall Battleeye Anti-cheat but that didn't seem to help.
  2. Messiadbunny

    Stuck at "character data received from server"

    Oh, never realized that. I knew I respawned once after I came back to it about an hour later but I had other things to do at that point and didn't notice anything was wrong. Honestly, at the time I was hoping it would fix my future gaming experience, apparently not.
  3. Messiadbunny

    Stuck at "character data received from server"

    I think about 1/2 of this thread is talking about something completely different. I load any server and am stuck at "character data received from server". I literally can't do anything else. Nothing loads, I just see a black loading screen with that text.
  4. Messiadbunny

    Problems w/game

    There's a few of us with this exact problem. Yet to hear anything back that actually resolves the issue.
  5. Yeah, I would like to find some way to play DayZ but am unable to because of this also. I just bought ARMA game yesterday for the sole purpose of playing DayZ and I got to play about 30 mins yesterday and today I suddenly can't get past this message.