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About Departedx3

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Location
    B.C. Canada
  • Interests
    Books, Writing, Games, Computers owo

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    I like apples. o.o
  1. Departedx3

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Is there a confirmed DAY for the release I mean the month is all fine and dandy but i want 'DayZ' not 'Monthz', if you could give an estimate anyways. P.S. Screenshots of zombies would be awesome too...
  2. Departedx3

    Make the nights brighter!!!

    Only way I'm not using the gamma settings is under one of 2 circumstances. 1. I have NVG's 2. They add a lantern that lights up in a 360 degree radius just so i can see if im going to walk into a bear trap or off a cliff... Also for those of you who say: FUCKING PLAY ON A DAYTIME SERVER!!!! I'm sorry but I don't want to leave my private hive server and ditch gear that took awhile to gather ditch my buds on the server and everything just to be able to see my hands. And who says that Cheranus is one of those PITCH black places hmm? Edit: And those who say to use a flashlight this is for you, the flashlight is a death sentence and it doesn't even work properly. I mean you can't use it while running, you cant go close to walls, in some buildings it doesn't work period and one last point, it also doesn't have a wide enough spread to be useful at all.
  3. I wish you could :/ So annoying how you spend all that time to get your uber rare ghillie suit then get 1 hit KOed by a zombie die and you cant get it back DX
  4. OMFG SOMEONE GET A FUCKING FIX ALREADY!!! Someone should pass this to rocket or something, pisses me off so much when my teammates rage cause' I gave away out position... -3-