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Everything posted by jivmoneybags

  1. Name: Monkey D. Luffy GUID: 3f41c2efde355cd3258288fce33291a4 location: Australia reason want to play on a highly customized server and stoof
  2. can i find this server through dayz commander?
  3. jivmoneybags

    Gamer Exit is Recruiting!

    looks good i will check it out
  4. nice vid what server is this??
  5. jivmoneybags

    Looking for a RP server

    you should look into rmod servers
  6. jivmoneybags

    Gamer Dawn [GD] (Clan Québecois)

    Skype Name= jackololz Steam Name= http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042080061 - my steam profile- How old are you= Im 13 australian Dayz play time= since june Number of human kill= 3 Humanity=5400 Weapon of choice= M107
  7. jivmoneybags

    Hero Squad

    hey im guessing this is a main hive squad. i am a hero that plays on any server pretty much. message me if you want me to join. i have decent gear
  8. jivmoneybags

    Workbenches and weapon upgrades

    this sounds awesome as i love dayz be a game where insstead of having a overpowered weapon to kill people it should be a hunt to build a good weapon such as an m4 holo sd grenade launcher. yes that is a bit ridiclous but you get the point of the endless possiblitys. i would like to see silencers as loot. example: i could loot a barracks and the loot might contain attachments instead of finding a pre built gun. Great thread
  9. jivmoneybags

    Server Help!!!!

    ok first of all the weapons you have arent that special and yes you will still have your items.
  10. Hi on the server my name is jack and the password "BlissHive" isnt working for me. I dunno if im banned or im just plain stupid but i cant seem to get in.