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Everything posted by Logic41

  1. Not had that problem on my server at all, just tested it on Panthera. Try spawning a vehicle in manually, don't forget to hit the "spawn" button until you get at least 4 in a row that say "0 Vehicles Spawned" and see if you can repair it. Failing that, if you haven't got many players to worry about, change the map to Chernarus, restart server then back to Panthera, that will wipe everything.
  2. Just wanted to pop in and say how happy I am with the server I ordered a few days ago. Absolutely no problems, set up in seconds and stable as a rock. Considering some companies in the UK charging £50 a month for a bog standard server this is money well spent (and it keeps me out of the pub, bonus!).
  3. Hi Ersan, When I head over to Dayz.st to order a server in the UK it says, "Temp Sold Out." Quite obvious what this means but is there an ETA for additional capacity in the UK? Was hoping to order on Friday. Appreciate your time. Logic41
  4. Just to update everyone on the server status. It would appear there is a problem with the hardware on the host's side. Two of the servers hosted on that particular blade are offline although one has recently come back to life so someone is working the issue at the host.
  5. Blast and blast again! Just sent an email requesting access for a couple of players as well :-) Server sounds epic so looking forward to getting on there!
  6. Was having a real blast playing on your server earlier with a friend then BAM, kicked because I wasn't whitelisted although an admin said it was fine, just carry on. Edit: On the forums now and sent request :)
  7. WAS a fun server. Seems to have been infiltrated by a rather unpleasant bunch who call "Friendly," then open fire on players completely unarmed. And with no side chat there is no way to inform others of their activities and get a posse together to deal with them... shame, really enjoyed it.
  8. Step 1: Install Arma2 and Op Arrowhead - CHECK Step 2: Install DayZ - CHECK Step 3: Find private hive server - Think that's a big ole CHECK Your server sounds friendly and a lot of fun so will be emailing shortly. Complete DayZ bambi here!