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Everything posted by jangalang

  1. SKILLED SMALL YOUTUBE SQUAD *STILL RECRUITING* For more info PM me personally, or join my TeamSpeak:
  2. It's Jangalang. I'm on right now!
  3. @Bailey: Great to see you on tonight man! We'll be playing Taviana and recording tomorrow so be sure to stop by in TeamSpeak.
  4. @Illusia: No worries mate. Stop by at your convenience.
  5. @Floris: Thanks for replying to the thread mate! Like I've told everyone else who is interested, please come into TeamSpeak and speak with me and maybe we could get a game going. I would like to have a feel for how you play and your viewpoints on certain things before I let you just join. Just simple procedure. Join at your earliest convenience.
  6. @Reece: Yes, I'm still recruiting. If you're interested come in TeamSpeak. @OmniBalance: Nice to see you in TeamSpeak, hope you to see you again soon. *STILL RECRUITING*
  7. Thanks for the replies guys! Feel free to come into TeamSpeak at anytime and play with us! Illusia: I'm very open to that. Come on in Teamspeak and we'll get things sorted.
  8. I'm still recruiting. Message me on forums, or come hop into TeamSpeak if you have any questions or are interested in joining!
  9. I'm in California, Pacific time. But I'm on pretty much every day and all day.
  10. Honestly, people want the results and polished product without having to work. Don't even call yourself a "Developer" if you're going to rip code. You're a theif, nothing else. You want the credit and praise for something that you copy and pasted from someone else. If I was knew to your community and knew that you copied code and ripped files from another person, I wouldn't play your mod. Do your own work, use your own coding to get the results you want. My question to all of you "Developers" who do this is, do you not know how to code? Are incapable of doing some work for YOUR OWN "custom mod"? You ripped Venthos off and were too lazy to even cover up that you did so! That's the hilarious part. You don't have a "custom mod", you simply took and duped all of Venthos' work, put a new name on it, and called it your own. I hope everyone that is thinking of joining your community will stop and read about how hard you worked to put your "custom mod" together.
  11. Hey guys, Jangalang here. I'm extremely new to making/editing/publishing videos so any input and helpful suggestions are welcome! In this video, me and my clan/squad members join a private hive server and attempt to capture a helicopter in Cherno. Enjoy! Like-Favorite-Comment-Subscribe :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqP0ZAL4YfI
  12. jangalang

    Private Hive Jive! Watch now!

    Haha yeah sorry about that! It did make for a good video though (hehe) I wasn't there for the church rape, I was playing PlanetSide 2 by then :P GG, though.