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Everything posted by jangalang

  1. jangalang

    You are dead, but cannot respawn !

    Having the same problem. Can't click respawn.
  2. Title says it all. I've been looking for a group for quite a while that is ACTIVE and plays Day Zero and Overwatch, amongst other things of course. Those being the primary mods. Either PM me your Teamspeak information, or post it here in the thread. Please no underage gamers, 18+ and ACTIVE. Thanks for your time!
  3. Hello, My name is Jangalang and I am looking for a group to play DayZ with. I play a wide variety of DayZ mods such as Origin, Breaking Point, Day Zero, and Overwatch. I love to record and upload my gameplay to Youtube (JangPlaysGames, if you wish to see some of my content.) Anyway, below will be an application of my skills and what I am looking for in a group. Name: Jangalang Age: 19 years old. DayZ Experience: I've been playing DayZ since it's release and I'm very tactical and love epic firefights. What I'm looking for: I'm looking a group of MATURE gamers. Ones who love the game, and are well versed in how to play. I'm interesting in more of tighter knit compact group. I don't want a Teamspeak channel with 20 people in it trying to all talk at once. I like to get into a group, and get things done. I'm not a humorless hardass who takes the game to seriously, but I do like to win and live and I have fun playing with an elite group of people by me. Contact info: Skype - JangPlaysGames YouTube - JangPlaysGames Feel free to PM or reply to this thread. Thanks for reading. -Jangalang
  4. TeamSpeak Name: JangalangSteam Name.(Optional): JangalangWhy we should recruit you: I'm very well versed in DayZ, Arma 2, and Arma 3. I know the maps, how to range targets, and the ins and outs of cities. I'm adaptable ;)Age: 19Location: California, US.Expericence playing DayZ: Since it's release date.Give an Honest rating of your self: 10. I'm very tactical and aggressivePS: The Teamspeak server is unavailable.
  5. Do you stream? Have a YouTube channel where you upload videos regularly? Are bored and frustrated of playing with randoms and what some solid teammates who have the same interests that you do? Well, I thought a nifty little way to try to solve these issues! > In March I started a YouTube channel featuring ARMA 2, and ARMA 3 (DayZ Mod), amongst other games.. I found that while playing solo was fun, I really wanted a group of people to play with. But, not just ANY old group. I envisioned a group of gamers coming and playing together who all had dreams, aspirations, and goals to be successful YouTuber's and streamers, and to bring great action packed and interesting videos for people to watch! I wanted to have a group of gamers who had fun playing together and could capture those moments of action, or laughs, or anything really, and make a great video from it all. You see a lot of these "big YouTube" and "big streamers" and their squads or groups and you think, "Hey, I would like be apart of something like that!" AND YOU CAN! Everyone has to start somewhere, and popularity does not come overnight! In conclusion, I wanted to make this thread just to see if there is anyone out there who has these same feelings and aspirations. I'm am going to be playing and recording DayZ, BF3 and soon BF4, ARMA 3, DayZ SA, Warframe, etc.. If any of what I said has interested you and you want to join me, feel free to copy this template and fill it in. I'll reply to each and every person via PM. Name: Age: YouTube channel: Goals for your channel: I do have only a few requirements for those who are serious about joining me! > NO ONE under the age of 18. > Please have good working equipment. ( Mic, computer, headphones, etc.) > Be able to produce quality videos in 720p or higher, with decent resolution. > Enjoy what you're doing. My YouTube channel: JangPlaysGames
  6. jangalang


    Thanks for posting! Your post is being evaluated.
  7. jangalang


    This group is still open to join! If you're interested, post here or PM me!
  8. jangalang

    Day Z Videos

  9. jangalang

    Breaking Point - TAZE ME MORE!

    It's like playing DayZ for the first time all over again!
  10. 13:11 for those itchy for action. Enjoy.
  11. Jang here. I've been lone wolfing for a while now playing Breaking Point. I'm now looking to join a very experienced, fun, and stable clan/group/squad that play Breaking Point! I've played DayZ since release and I have great knowledge of Chernarus, tactics, and I play smart. If you have a group that you think would be a good fit for me, reply to this thread with your information, private message me, or send me a private message on my YouTube channel: JangPlaysGames Thanks for reading this thread and happy gaming :)
  12. SKILLED, SMALL, YOUTUBE SQUAD - 18 YEARS OLD+ SQUAD OBJECTIVE: > To form a group/squad that is a tight knit unit. Capable of playing a variety of games skillfully and being a step ahead and above of other average players. Our gameplay will be recorded, edited, and then uploaded to YouTube for others to watch. All races, personalities, genders, and players are extended this invitation. Serious gameplay is what we're about, but we still keep it fun. We have a good time when we're playing at our best. Requirements: > Must have played DayZ/Arma 2 for at least three months. > Decent computer specs/setup. This means you must be able to play AND record with 30 frames or more and produce videos in 720p+. > Each member must have good awareness, communication, and be highly skilled in all aspects of the game. > Must have enough time available to play. This means you need to be available for the squad when we play. Of course, real life obligations come first and I understand that to the fullest. But, to join this group you need to be active. Non active players who offer no explanation as too why they are inactive will be removed from the group. > MUST BE 18 YEARS OLD+. I have nothing against younger gamers, but for this squad I want mature players who are 18 or older. This is my personal preferance and I would like to stick to it. EXTRA DETAILS: > Mumble address: eu2.voice.enjin.com:64278 > Clan site here: bsbnetwork.com (You can contact me on the BSB Gaming Network site or on DayZ forums, whichever you prefer.) > Please, if you contact me be sure to make it clear to me who you are and that you are contacting me regarding the YouTube squad.
  13. jangalang


    -STILL RECRUITING- Although we are a DayZ/ARMA 2 squad, we are now heavily involved in ARMA 3. Primarily the Wasteland mod. If you wish to join us, follow the information above!
  14. Do you play ARMA 3/DayZ? Our clan offers you an organized and mature group of players to game with! Looking for a long standing clan that has experience and does weekly events, tournaments, and faction wars!? That's us! Are you a gamer who likes to record your game-play for YouTube? Great! We have our own clan YouTube channel as well as many members who record on a regular basis, myself included! In our clan, organization and giving players a place to come, conversate, and game is our utmost priority. We welcome new players and veteran players alike to come and join us! All genders, races, and personalities are welcome. If you wish to learn more about us, visit: www.bsbnetwork.com or visit our Mumble channel at: eu2.voice.enjin.com:64278 Last but not least! Our clan is planning for our next FACTION WAR. The war will take place on March 31, at 8pm (GMT) The faction war description is as follows: THE CONVOY: A convoy of vehicles belonging to Scorpions are travelling around the map. Ravens (LW & PMCs) must stop it!
  15. Looking to start recording and uploading your gameplay footage to YouTube? Want a squad/clan that is tight knit and experienced? Visit our TeamSpeak channel ASAP!
  16. jangalang


    @Sub-MAO Shooter: Enter that teamspeak info and we'll get things rollin',
  17. Hello, my name is Jangalang and I'm a member and Server moderator of a Gaming Network known as BSB. We have our own servers, TeamSpeak, sub-squads, and have been established since 2002. I figured I would make an effort in trying to recruit people that have the same goal and vision as myself. I love to record my gameplay. I recently purchased a new graphics card, processor, and power supply for my computer to better my FPS and footage so I'm ready to roll Seeing as DayZ Standalone is just around the corner, I figured getting a good squad together who enjoys recording footage, uploading it, and is a tight knit and productive squad. Just to clarify, I'm not in any way trying to mimic or copy any other YouTube squads or players. I welcome all personalities, races, and play styles. My only request is that you yourself have a decent computer in which you can record good resolution videos and play DayZ. Keep in mind, I'm not looking for a huge squad. Five or six guys (or girls) max is what I'm aiming for. My style of play: My style of play is rather simple really. I love firefights. I'm a good sniper, and close combat player. I know the game extremely well. I'm not a hero. I would say I'm more along the lines of respectable bandit, meaning that if you fire at me first, or are in a hostile area and have the potential to kill me, I will kill you immediately (I don't do the whole "Drop your weapon dude." thing like Frankie) Now, I say respectable because I don't kill unarmed players or players that will or cannot harm me. I won't snipe Cherno or Elektro simply to get kills and laughs. All in all, I enjoy firefights and I don't shy from one. This is basically what I'm looking for, if you're interested: SKILLED PLAYERS: > This means you know the game. Your communication and teamwork with other squad members is satisfactory and no one has to "baby" you whilst in a firefight. You can adapt to tough situations, call out directions, cover squad members. You don't scream and cower at the first sound of gunfire or spray at the first person you see. I'm looking for intellectual players who know the map, and who I feel comfortable with and that I know will give me the best chance of survival. DECENT GAMING MACHINE: > You need to be able to run the game smoothly and well. This doesn't mean you have to have a decked out PC, only that you can properly run DayZ/ARMA 2 with AT LEAST 30 FPS or higher. Also, I don't exclude anyone. Anyone who chooses to join me in my en devour will have their own TS room and we won't bothered by other players. In saying that, I'm willing to make an exception to players that I believe are incredibly skilled and who I feel will benefit the squad. PERSONALITY, FUN, FOCUSED: > I love to have laughs. I'm not a hardass. But, I don't want goof off players. Players with personality and lots of charisma is what I enjoy. In saying that, you must know when to stop, focus on the game, and get the job done. I don't want one of the two extremes. I want a balance of both fun and focus. 18 YEARS OR OLDER: > This is my own personal preference. I'm not saying gamers younger than the age of 18 can't join. There will be exceptions, of course. But, I would really love for some older mature gamers to come forward. As I said, this is my own personal preference and is not set in stone. If anyone is even remotely interested in this thread and wishes to start up this squad business, either send me a PM here, reply to this thread, or hop into this TS channel. (Address below) Teamspeak: If you have any further questions, feel free to ask them in this thread. I am in TeamSpeak constantly so, if you are interested and want to start playing and having fun right away, come on in and find me, the name will be Jangalang. Thank you all for your time. Goodbye.
  18. SKILLED, SMALL, YOUTUBE SQUAD - 18 YEARS OLD+ SQUAD OBJECTIVE: > To form a group/squad that is a tight knit unit. Capable of playing a variety of games skillfully and being a step ahead and above of other average players. Our gameplay will be recorded, edited, and then uploaded to YouTube for others to watch. All races, personalities, genders, and players are extended this invitation. Serious gameplay is what we're about, but we still keep it fun. We have a good time when we're playing at our best. Requirements: > Must have played DayZ/Arma 2 for at least six months. > Decent computer specs/setup. This means you must be able to play AND record with 30 frames or more and produce videos in 720p+. > Each member must have good awareness, communication, and be highly skilled in all aspects of the game. > Must have enough time available to play. This means you need to be available for the squad when we play. Of course, real life obligations come first and I understand that to the fullest. But, to join this group you need to be active. Non active players who offer no explanation as too why they are inactive will be removed from the group. > MUST BE 18 YEARS OLD+. I have nothing against younger gamers, but for this squad I want mature players who are 18 or older. This is my personal preferance and I would like to stick to it. EXTRA DETAILS > Teamspeak address here: > Clan site here: bsbnetwork.com (You can contact me on the BSB Gaming Network site or on DayZ forums, whichever you prefer.) > Please, if you contact me be sure to make it clear to me who you are and that you are contacting me regarding the YouTube squad.
  19. BSB DAYZ FACTION WAR - COME JOIN THE BATTLE The tension between the RAVENS and the SCORPIONS has risen and we are now at war! The battle will take place on our Taviana server below! In this war, there are no limits. There will be road blocks, kidnappings, brutal murders, and lots of combat! LONE WOLVES have no alliance and may work alone, risk working with other lone wolves, or take an even greater risk and side with a faction. All are welcome to gear up and join the battle! Information about the event and the address to our Clan TeamSpeak will be below: TEAMSPEAK: CLAN FORUM: BSBNETWORK.COM PS: If you're having difficulty with connecting to the forum directly, search for BSB Social Gaming Network in Google. LET THE WAR... BEGIN!
  20. The BSB Network is still recruiting! If you're anything like myself, and looking for mature, intellectual, fun, and overall top notch players, then BSB is the place for you! We offer our own TeamSpeak, Servers, Clan events, and so much more! Visit us on forums or come into TeamSpeak to find out how to join us!
  21. I appreciate your post and I wish you all the best, but this thread is ONLY for people interested in my group/squad. @MastaBlasta: You do have a nice set up :P Hop into TeamSpeak whenever you can and we'll get things rollin'!
  22. I play some days from 8am-3pm And at night from 8pm-3am I'm usually always playing.